Page 59 of Very Special Forces

"Excellent choice. I will let them know today," she said,marking an “x” on the rose I'd chosen. "Where are we delivering thebridal bouquet, the bridesmaids’ bouquets, and the groom’s andgroomsmen’s buttonholes?"

"I'mstaying at a hotel the night before, so there," I said.

"And themen's buttonholes can be delivered to our home," said Solomon. "Wecan take the flower girls’ bouquets too."

"I won'tbe able to make your rehearsal dinner but my assistant, Keira,will. Is that okay?"

"Not aproblem," I said. I knew Keira. She was both smart andefficient.

Francesca smiled. "In that case, all we have to do is settlethe invoice and I won't see you again until your wedding day. Ofcourse, I'm here to help in any way, and I will be at the ceremonyvenue an hour before your first guests arrive to oversee all thesetting up. Keira will take over as soon as your vows are made andI will go straight to the reception to ensure your guests aregreeted properly. You will not have to worry about athing."

"That isgood to hear," said Solomon.

"Isthere anything else I can help you with?" askedFrancesca.

"Actually, there is but it isn't wedding-related," I said."That is, not our wedding."


"Thecouple that were here before us. Bryce and Julia. Did they bookyour services?"

"No, itwas just an initial meeting but I have a good feeling they will.Are they friends of yours? Did you refer them?"

"Notexactly. I wondered what you thought of them?"

"They were very nice," said Francesca. "He looks like he'll beaveryinvolvedgroom if you get what I mean."

I shookmy head. "I'm not sure I do."

"Some ofour grooms don't get hugely involved in planning their weddings.Quite often it's the bride's vision that drives forward theplanning. Of course, it's changing. Our couples are realizing theyboth want to enjoy their day so they both participate in theplanning, just like you two."

"Bryceis different?" I asked.

"Very. Ithink he's more eager than his fiancée, which is rare. He had itall thought out from the ceremony to the color scheme. He even hadsome suggestions for the bridal gown."

"DidJulia agree with him?"

"I thinkshe was a little surprised but I could tell she was delighted thathe thought about it so much. He obviously wants it to be theperfect day. I'm sure they will tell you all about it. Oh, look atthe time! My next appointment is due. I don't want to hurry you butif there's anything else, just call me or drop inanytime."

"Thanks," I said. When we left, I asked Solomon, "What didyou make of that?"


"No.Bryce's attitude towards his wedding."

"Francesca described him as very involved. Is that a badthing?"

"He evenknew what dress he wanted Julia to wear. Since when does a groompick that?"

"Maybeshe talked about it already?"

"Couldbe. It just seems a little strange. Dominating, even."

"Didanything come up about him in your research?"

"He hasa temper that's gotten him into trouble and I overheard a womansaying something unpleasant about him."
