Page 36 of Very Special Forces


"Brycesaid to me that he didn't want to spare any expense for theengagement party of a lifetime but I talked him into wine andcocktails rather than free-flowing champagne all night. Plus, I'mthrowing the snacks in for free, given how much booze they'rebuying and they bringing their own cake. You should see it. Bryceshowed me a photo. It's three tiers of sugar roses. Soromantic!"

"It doessound romantic. It sounds like it will be a greatparty."

"I hopeso and good for business too if they tell all their friends." Thephone on Lily's desk began to ring so I left her to answer it andwent into the stockroom to collect the snacks she set out. I beganemptying tubs of chips and nuts into little dishes and when I had atray full of dishes, I carried them all through to the privateroom.

"Hey,let me get that for you," said a man as I tried to wedge the dooropen with my elbow while balancing the tray.

"Thanks!" I chirped, steadying the tray as he grabbed thedoor and pushed it open.

"Ithought you were going to topple over," he said. I looked up,smiling, and my breath caught. It was Bryce Maynard. "We've metbefore, haven't we?" he asked, looking down at me.

"Yes, atthe bridal boutique," I said. "This is your party tonight? Iremember Julia mentioning something about it."

"It is.I thought I'd get here early and check over a few things before ourguests arrive."

"Is yourfiancée here already?"

"No,Julia will be here in a half hour. She's not great on the littledetails so she's finishing her makeup."

"Wegirls have to look great if we're going to be the center ofattention," I said, preening slightly. The more vacuous he thoughtI was, the better for gleaning information.

Brycegave me a long look from head to toe and back again. "I bet you'rethe center of attention a lot," he said.

I gulpedback mild discomfort at the flattery. Instead, I winked and said,"You know it."

"Do youneed a hand with this stuff?" He waved his hand over thetray.

I set itdown on the nearest table and shook my head. "I've got it, thanks.Let me know if I can help you with anything else?" As I busiedmyself setting out the snack bowls, arranging them neatly besidethe pretty floral centerpieces that were already on the tables, Ikept an eye on Bryce. He walked around the room, seeminglyoblivious to me, and checked out the table set-ups whilecontemplating the position of the bar. A balloon arch was set upagainst one wall and he examined the props that were arranged forthe purpose of photography. It was a cute idea that I thought theguests would enjoy. Once or twice, I thought I saw him watching mebut he didn't say anything. As I was putting out the last of thedishes, Bryce got a phone call, left, then returned a few minuteslater with a large cake box.

"Whereshould I put this?" he asked. "It's the cake."

"I thinkLily put a table out for it next to the bar."

"Can yougive me a hand with it?" he asked. "I'm afraid of dropping it andI'm not the kind of person that's great at putting a cake in itsproper place. I must have missed that class in school!" He laughedat his own joke.

"Sure."I walked across the room, aware Bryce's eyes were on me the wholetime. I couldn't shake the feeling there was something not quiteright about the way he looked at me. Not unfriendly, perhaps alittle too friendly, but with something else too. Greed, Irealized, and entitlement. I didn't like it.

Then heturned to unpack the cake and the uncomfortable moment was gone.With the sides of the cake box down, I could see Lily was right.The cake was beautiful and very much like a wedding cake withdelicate sugar roses cascading down every side.

"This isbeautiful," I breathed.

"Julialoved it but it wasn't her first choice for wedding cake so Ithought I'd surprise her with it for an engagement cakeinstead."

"That'svery thoughtful."

"I knowmost guys would go for something humorous but I think there's atime and place for that and this party isn't it."

"I'msure she won't mind you having a groom's cake at thewedding."

"I willtell her you said that! Are you working the partytonight?"

"Yes,Lily says it will be busy so I'll be serving at the bar here andhelping your guests with whatever they need."

"Makesure to take a break. Those heels cannot be comfortable all night,"he said, taking a long look at my legs.

"I willbe sure to do that," I said.