Ihurried back in time to hear the tail end of the conversation,something about a friendly baseball match that turned less thanfriendly a few days before, then they all laughed.
"Youseem like you're all having a good time. Have you been at the basefor long?" I asked.
My twobuddies and the other two guys flanking Simmons all nodded."Willacy here has been stationed there the longest," said Harris."Kafsky and I are only there for a couple months. It's a niceplace."
"Howabout you?" I asked Simmons. "Are you enjoying yourvisit?"
"I am.It was a long drive and I'm glad to have some down time before Ihead back."
"Do youdrive one of those Jeep-type vehicles?" I asked.
"A tanktransporter," he said, looking proud.
"Oh,wow. Don't see many of those around." I placed a finger on my lipsthoughtfully. "In fact, I don't think I've ever seen one. How doyou park it?"
"Verycarefully," said Simmons and they all laughed.
"Oh,you." I swatted a playful hand at him. "But really. Where do youpark something like that?"
"Behindone of the hangars. It's not something a person drives around as arule and it won't fit inside a regular parking lot."
"Iimagine not. Is it a silly question to ask if you were actuallytransporting a tank?"
"Yes, Iwas. The boys here need one for their big show so I brought it inand I'll take it back home after the show."
"Justthe one show?" I asked.
"I wouldlove to see that!"
"I'msure we can get you a pass."
"Thatwould be so exciting! So, does the tank stay on the back of thetank thingy? What do you do with it otherwise?" Ipressed.
"Thetank gets parked in a hangar," explained Simmons. "I just unloadit, leave it there, and load it when it needs to go somewhereelse."
"Youdon't take it anywhere else while you're here?"
"Nowthat I think about it, I'm sure I saw a real big vehicle inMontgomery just a couple nights ago. It looked like it had a tankon it. Maybe another one came in?"
"Justthe one I brought in, so far as I know," said Simmons, with ashrug.
"Huh. Itdefinitely looked like one. Tuesday, I think it was, or maybeWednesday. Are you sure you weren't taking it somewhere else? I'msure I wouldn't mistake something like that."
"Tuesdayor Wednesday, you say? Definitely not! I got food poisoning Tuesdaynight. Spent the night praying to God, if you know what I mean."Simmons pulled a face.
"Foodpoisoning? Uh-oh! How'd you get that?"
"Noidea. I was having something to eat in the mess hall and it hit me.Might have been a bug because no one else was ill. Just me. I feelfine now," he said and smiled.
"Well,you look fine now," I agreed and in the dim light, Simmonsblushed.
"Don'tforget your shots," I said as I unloaded them and nudged them infront of each man. "Plenty more where they came from. Shall I getanother round?"
"Yes!"yelled Harris as he downed his shot and slammed it on the table.The rest followed suit and the volume level at the table amped upagain.