"It's normal to suspect the people who are closest to the victim," I said.
"Oh, I thought you saw the other thing."
"What other thing?" I turned back, searching for the offensive information Garrett assumed I'd read and found it in the top corner. "You suspected one of the agency guys too?"
"They all had the opportunity but we ruled out any motives."
"I'm so pleased."
"I'll let you off for the sarcasm since it's been a rough few days."
I peered at the whiteboard. "Is there anyone you don't suspect? Maddox is even on there!"
"He has a teeny, tiny motive," said Garrett, holding his thumb and forefinger an inch apart.
I didn't need to ask what that was. His motive was attached to his lips just hours ago, but he was not someone I could see as a killer. "You know anyone on this list could have killed him in a much quieter way. They wouldn't even need to knock on the door," I pointed out.
"It's just more ideas to throw around. We know now it's definitely gang-related, which narrows it down a little more."
"I should get Lucas in on this," I said. "He's really good at tracking people down."
"It wouldn't hurt."
"I'll call him and join you in a moment," I decided before tapping the agency's main number into Maddox's phone and asking to be put through to Lucas.
"Lexi? Is that you?"
"It's me."
"I tried calling you but Delgado answered your phone and said you weren't available."
"That was correct at the time."
"What do you need me to do? I finished running the rest of the names on that list and they're all dead. We've ruled out..."
"That line of inquiry is over. I don't have time to explain but I need for you to look into something else. There's a gang called the Niners based in Frederickstown. It looks like they are involved but we're not sure how Solomon got mixed up in it since he doesn’t have anything to do with them."
"I've heard of them before but we've never had any run-ins with them."
"Can you go through all the files in Solomon's office and check our database too? Any mention of them at all?"
"Also speak with Delgado about making our files accessible to Garrett and any detective he decides to nominate."
"Okay. Solomon’s brother was on my case about that."
"He told me. Also, I want someone watching the Niner bar located on Ninth Street too."
"Also done."
"Find out everything you can about a guy named Timothy Mooch. He's connected to all of this too. He hired Mikey for the initial shooting but we don't know if he hired the second guy. Someone told him to act as a middleman. If we find out who that was, we could find out why."
"I'll know what he ate for breakfast every day during first grade by the end of the day," said Lucas.
"Great. Damien is working on the Niner connection with the Boston Police Department and it would be great if you could dig up something about that too. He transferred to Boston PD so he'll probably get much of the same information but it would be great if you could find out more. See if anyone at the agency has someone they can reach out to."
"I'll get everything."