Lily handed it to me. "Maddox came by with dinner for everyone. Tony and I already ate," she said. I swung my legs over the side of the cot and opened the bag, the smell of grease and salt greeting me. Lily continued, "He brought cheeseburgers, fries, and a milkshake. There’s a jelly donut too."
I smiled. Of course there was a milkshake! Maddox remembered. "Perfect."
"Maybe we shouldn't make the room smell like a cheeseburger," said Lily.
I nodded and followed her outside, closing the door behind me. No one else was around and we sat in a pair of plastic chairs. The food was hot, so I ate quickly, feeling famished and tired still. Then I licked my fingers and took a long suck on the milkshake straw.
"I heard a little bit about what happened," said Lily. "Damien is not much like Solomon, huh?"
"I think Damien got in too deep and couldn't think straight anymore."
"That's charitable."
"I might not stay that way for long."
"Where did you go last night?"
"Maddox took me to a safe house to lie low."
Lily peered at me, her wheels turning at a faster pace than mine. "What happened?" she asked softly.
I wiped my hands and dropped the tissue into the paper bag before scrunching it up and setting it at my feet. "We fell asleep on the couch," I began, my voice soft. "When we awoke, we kissed and..." I trailed off.
"And?!" pressed Lily. "Lexi, did something happen between you and Maddox?"
"No. Yes, but we only kissed. We were half asleep and it was familiar and comforting so naturally, the old feelings came back. When we woke up properly and talked, we both agreed it wasn't a good idea. It was just stupid. A stupid moment."
"That's right," agreed Lily. "But it's understandable. Being in that much pain, you just want to reach out for someone to take it away, even for only a moment."
"I shouldn't have. I just wasn't thinking when I was half asleep."
"Also understandable, given the circumstances."
"You know, even though Solomon and I are engaged now and living together, there was still so much I didn't know about him! I've hesitated in moving forward, moving properly forward, until I got those answers. I was afraid I would find out something bad about him, something so terrible, I'd never be able to stay with him. I found out so much more about him in only the past few days."
"Did you get the answers you were seeking?"
"I think so." I nodded. "He wasn't hiding anything really terrible about him. He made choices and tried to avoid doing the wrong things. Instead of finding out he's not the man I hoped he was, I discovered what a really good man he is."
"He's not Maddox."
"No, he and Maddox are both number one in their own category. There's no crossover there. The strange thing is, although kissing Maddox felt wonderful, and that moment really gave me some solace, my whole world in the past few days nearly crashed and burned at the idea of losing Solomon. All I've been able to think about is Solomon and finding who did this to him and bring them down good and hard. I've had to imagine my life without him... Yes, I'd probably survive but would I want to? Solomon symbolizes my future happiness. He's the only man I want in my life. Not that he completes me, because I'm already complete, but to be with him as a partner, always there at his side and having him beside me, I can't think about anyone else."
"Have you told Solomon that?"
"He's in a coma."
"So what?"
"He can't hear me!"
"You don't know that! Talk to Solomon whether he can or can't hear. Talk because you're at his side, and he's at yours."
"When did you get so wise?"
"From the bar. I had to sign up for a counseling class. You would not believe what some people decide to unload on the bartender."
I tried not to laugh but I did and Lily did too. "Go," she said, nodding to Solomon's room. "I'll hold off everyone else."