Page 74 of Be Courageous

She turned a questioning gaze on Miles as he slipped behind the steering wheel. “Dad. Keep your comments to yourself, please.”

To McKenzie’s amusement, his father sat back, unintimidated. With her heart still beating fast, McKenzie donned her seat belt, trying to make sense of where she stood. Was she headed back to WITSEC? Or would Miles risk his career to keep her from going back?

He cranked the engine, reversed onto the road, then pulled them swiftly away from the marina.

A weight sat on McKenzie’s chest, stealing her happiness.I don’t want Miles to risk his career for me.That would condemn him to the same fate as her own, running from Centurion retaliation. Where could they go that neither the U.S. Marshals nor the Cohort could find them?


“We’re not going to be here long,” Miles informed McKenzie as they stepped into their room at a hotel just blocks from the police station. “Only long enough for you to freshen up and feel better. Then we need to leave.” After dropping their bags, he turned to catch her by the shoulders. “I’m going to take you far away from here—so far no Centurion or WITSEC agent will ever find you again.”

“Miles.” Her auburn head gave a slight shake. “I can’t ask you to do that for me.”

“You don’t have to ask. I’m not letting you go again.” His chest hurt as he took in every sweet line of her face. “Do you have any idea how much I’ve missed you?”

Her moist eyes turned a luminous jade hue. “I do, actually.”

“Now that I have you with me, there’s no way I can let you go again.”

“But your job, Miles.”

“My job doesn’t bring me joy. You bring me joy.” His throat closed suddenly, preventing him from explaining his plans to her.

She looked so battered standing before him with a lump on her forehead, her eyelids weighted. “Are you sure you’re okay? Maybe we should get you to a hospital.”

“I’m fine. I just…”

“What, Angel? Tell me, what do you need? I’ll get it for you.”

“I need to shower.”

“Of course.” He nearly added, “But hurry.” They didn’t have much time if they were going to stay ahead of his father. While she washed away the memories of her abduction, he would devise a plan for their disappearance.

McKenzie picked up her pack, headed into the bathroom, and quietly shut the door.

Miles turned toward his duffel bag to pull out a worn little book he carried in it. Normally, he accessed his contacts using his cell phone, but on their way to this hotel, he’d lobbed the latter into the truck bed of an out-of-state pickup headed to who-knew-where.

Obviously, the fastest way for anyone to track McKenzie and him was by his cell phone. This little book, on the other hand, couldn’t betray them. It listed the private numbers of important contacts at the Bureau. He riffled through the pages. Who in Support could get him a passport for McKenzie on the sly and lightning fast?

Not that guy.

Not him, either.

Nope, not her.

The staff were all straight-laced, by-the-book types. With a hopeless sigh, Miles tossed the little book back into his bag.

Okay, so leaving the country by air probably wasn’t going to happen.Oh, ofcourse. He nearly slapped himself on the forehead. He would take her out by boat, since his alias as a yacht salesman opened all kinds of doors for them. First he’d switch the plates out on his rental and then drive them down to Florida. From there, they’d hop on a yacht to the Bahamas and then board a freighter bound for Morocco. Boy, would his sister, Maggie, be surprised when he showed up at her place with McKenzie on his arm!

He paced to the window and searched the parking area for any sign of suspicious activity. Several businesspeople were leaving the motel, but otherwise, the parking lot stood quiet.

He heard the shower run. And run. Would it be fair to McKenzie to ask her to hurry?

At long last, the water stopped running. He waited some more and heard her brushing her teeth.Come on, Angel.

The bathroom door finally yawned open. McKenzie came out wearing a pair of jeans and a rumpled blouse that matched her light-green eyes. Regarding her bare feet, he realized they would have to stop somewhere to get her shoes.

Before he could collect her bag and escort her to the door, she sat on the nearest bed, then keeled over into a prone position, too tired to even sit.