Page 18 of Be Courageous

“Yeah, Jerry blamed himself for not communicating more clearly that the gun owner had a son. In his defense, the boy should’ve been in school that day.” Closing her eyes, Faith willed away the tragic memory while blotting out the view of empty fields and naked tree branches.

The movement of the car must have lulled her to sleep. When she opened her eyes next, they were on a four-lane highway crossing the border into North Carolina, a mere half hour from the Outer Banks where they used to vacation every summer.

She straightened in her seat. “Oh, I know where we are.” She scanned the familiar route with its quirky shops and empty market stands on either side of the road, seeking any sign of Grayson.

Minutes later, Seth put on his signal and waited for the oncoming traffic to pass before turning into a strip mall. Faith had already spotted the collection of unmarked sedans and SUVs. Her eyes widened as she took in the knot of federal agents, all wearing navy-blue jackets withFBIemblazoned in yellow on their backs. They stood on the sidewalk in front of a laundromat.

Faith recognized Charlotte, the leggy redhead who’d called her earlier that morning. Standing next to Charlotte, about the same height and with hair just a shade less vibrant, stood Fitz.

A gasp of surprise hitched in Faith’s throat.He’d come!Relief and gratitude sang through her veins, causing tears to smart. She quickly blinked them back.

No sooner had Seth parked the car than Faith shot out of it, making a beeline to Fitz, who’d spotted her and fallen silent. Seven sets of eyes noted her and Seth’s arrival, but Faith’s attention was riveted to Fitz. She didn’t miss the look of reproof that he shot at Seth for bringing her along.

Stopping in front of him, she read tension and wariness in his expression. “Any updates?” she inquired.

His lips firmed. “Not yet.” Fitz’s injured vocal cords made the words sound like a cat’s purr. “This was the last area from which his phone pinged the nearest cell tower, but no one in these shops claims to recognize his photo.”

Charlotte handed Faith one of the flyers they were distributing. It was the same picture she’d provided to Seth for the AMBER Alert. Grayson’s lopsided grin as he held a newborn Mary Mae made Faith’s stomach hurt. Hoping to sense her son’s proximity, she noted the business in the strip mall: a liquor store, a laundromat, a Chinese restaurant, and an antique store. Only the restaurant would have been of interest to Grayson.

“Have you checked for any security cameras?”

Fitz nodded. “Of course. The liquor store has one, but it hasn’t worked for years.”

She turned away, hugging herself against the moist breeze as she surveyed the area. This busy stretch of highway was backed by trees and fallow fields. If Grayson was here, somewhere, wouldn’t she feel it?

Hearing the agents confer in low voices, she moved toward them again, overhearing their decision to extend their search, since the pings were only vaguely reliable.

Faith waited for them to split up into three groups.

Seth caught her eye. “Have a seat in the car, Faith. We’ll be back.”

Ignoring his suggestion, she fell in behind Fitz and Charlotte as they peeled away from the group. The rest of the agents either headed east or crossed the highway to question people on the other side.

The small stand of trees on the west side of the strip mall was littered with trash. Taking note of Faith’s company, Fitz slowed his step, then put himself between Faith and the traffic that was zipping up behind them. As a trio, they walked past the trees, between the highway’s shoulder and a gully.

On the other side of the trees stood a brick rancher converted from a home into a funeral parlor. As Charlotte and Fitz marched up to the front door to make inquiries, Faith remained in the parking lot, not wanting to approach anything associated with death. Tamping down the shudders that racked her spine, she lamented the fact that Grayson had gone off in just a hoodie the previous morning. He had to be freezing.

Where are you, Grayson? Why did you come this way?The possibility that he’d run away occurred to her again. Surely he wasn’tthatunhappy.

Her attention snagged on something blue caught in the bushes just up the road from where she stood. Grayson’s backpack was that exact shade of blue.

Wanting to investigate and seeing Fitz and Charlotte still occupied with the proprietor of the funeral home, Faith headed toward the object. The closer she came, the more it resembled Grayson’s backpack. Her heart began to thud with cautious excitement, then with dread. She slowed her steps. What if she came upon his body? She wasn’t prepared for that.

An eighteen-wheeler roared by her blaring its horn, as if the driver was angry at her for walking on the narrow shoulder.


Fitz hurried toward her, a look of real concern on his face. Before he could scold her, she pointed to the object just feet away. “I think that’s Grayson’s backpack.”

He caught her arm before she could step across the gully. “No one can touch it.”

The feel of his warm hand anchoring her in place made her want to throw her arms around him and hold on tight.

As Charlotte overtook them, he pointed out the object to her while pulling on a pair of latex gloves. Charlotte took his place in holding on to Faith’s arm while Fitz stepped across the gully. He reached into the branches and pulled out a backpack. Faith’s knees jittered as she recognized the logo.

“It’s Grayson’s or one just like his.” Joy and terror gripped Faith simultaneously.

Looking more grim by the moment, Fitz unzipped the main pocket, reached inside, and pulled something out—the brown bag lunch she’d made for him on Wednesday night.