Page 55 of Be Courageous

Tony sagged against the cushions, phone still pressed to his ear. A portion of his joyful relief faded. What if Katz’s assistant was a monster like his boss? “I guess you can’t break into the building and get her back tonight?”

Ben’s grunt sounded sympathetic. “Maybe if I’d been waiting in the parking garage, but the place is locked down like Fort Knox, so I went across the street where I could see any lights that came on. Let’s give Katz a chance to do the right thing tomorrow.”

“Yeah.” Tomorrow would be here soon enough.

“But she’s okay. Just wanted you to know that.”

She’s okay.The words thawed a portion of the ice in Tony’s chest, but he wouldn’t fully relax until Ruby was safely in his embrace.

* * *

Fighting the urge to drift off to sleep, Ruby sensed Cullum bending over her. She reared back with a gasp as something cold and wet touched her cheek.

“Relax.” He held a wet paper towel in his hand. “I just want to clean your face. You’ve got an ugly gash there.”

“Please, just take off these zip ties. I need to use the restroom badly. I’ll wash my face myself.” She knew exactly where the bathroom was—right near the office door they’d entered several hours earlier.

Cullum straightened with a frown. “I’ll free your hands but not your ankles.” He set aside the paper towel, then slid a hand into a trouser pocket and pulled out a jackknife. Ruby held out her wrists while making note of which pocket held the blade.

“Ow.” She hissed in a breath as his sawing on the zip tie put pressure on her tender wrist.

“Sorry.” Cullum grimaced.

Since she couldn’t run with her feet bound, she would have to talk him into letting her go.

“Okay, stand up.” Cullum grabbed her by her good wrist and pulled her to her feet. Then he stepped behind her, looped an arm around her rib cage, and hoisted her slightly before dragging her across the room.

“This is ridiculous,” Ruby protested. “Just free my feet. It’s not like there’s anywhere I can go.”

Cullum didn’t answer. Instead, he left her at the bathroom door to shuffle inside under her own steam. Ruby locked herself inside and flicked on the light, flinching at the glare of the sconces, then grimacing at her reflection. The side of her face that had struck the tree trunk the prior night was bruised and flecked with dried blood. Her hair was a riot of curls. Dark circles rimmed her eyes.

Helping herself to the toilet, she noticed a tinge of blood on her underwear and her heart stopped.No!She checked to see if she was still bleeding, but the blood appeared to be just a spotting, not an actual flow. She dropped her face into her hands. Dread made her heart pound.Please, God.

What she wouldn’t give to be able to tell Tony she was pregnant. Now it might be too late.

She raised her head and sniffed. Anything was possible. All she had to do was get away from Cullum, whom she could hear in the office talking on the phone. Standing, she adjusted her clothing as she pressed an ear to the door, hoping to overhear any plans for her fate.

“Yes, sir. But is that really necessary? She says she’s pregnant. It could hurt the baby.”

Ruby held her breath. Cullum seemed to be asking about the need to drug her.

“Yes, sir. We’ll see you at eight, then. Bye.”

His tone of resignation failed to reassure her. His call must have ended because footsteps were now coming her way. She flushed the toilet, washed her hands, then helped herself to the stack of paper towels to dab at the abrasion on her face. Would Cullum really inject her again? She had to have her wits about her if she was going to outsmart him or convince him to do the right thing.

He gave a light knock. “Almost done in there?”

Ruby tossed the paper towel into the garbage, thinking the police could use her DNA as evidence later. She drew a steadying breath while unlocking the door. “All done.”

The door swung open. Cullum’s weak blue gaze went straight to her cheek. “That’s better.”

She was about to ask, “How long have you worked for Katz?” as a lead-in to winning him over, when Cullum seized her good arm. Something flashed in his other hand as he steadied her. She felt the sting of the needle even as she gasped in disbelief and tried to yank free of his grasp.

“No! I told you. You’re killing my baby!”

“I’m sorry.” His face was the very picture of remorse before it went blurry.

The sedative sluiced through her veins, debilitating every muscle. She felt herself falling as the darkness closed in.