“Hand me my phone,” I say. Dax passes it over. I call Josie. I tell her the news and our plans.
Dax takes the phone from me and says, “Josie, spare no expense. Let’s end this.” Following a brief pause he laughs and says, “Tell that to Heather.”
He hands the phone back to me and I say, “What’s so funny?”
Josie says, “There won’t be any expense from me because it would be my greatest pleasure to make Justin squirm before we cut him loose.”
“I just want this to be over,” I say and look between Tyler and Dax.
Josie says, “I know. I’m asking you to dig deep one more time and fight. I’m only going to ask for what he owes you to date. We know he doesn’t want to give you the money, so I want to have an unbiased financial advisor put the money in an account for Tyler. He can it for college or a car or whatever. That person can manage Justin’s payments until he’s all caught up. You won’t ever have to deal with him. But he needs to be made to do the right thing. Justin’s lucky Dax loves Tyler and wants to be a part of his life. He can show his appreciation by doing the right thing.”
She makes a good argument. Which is why she’s such a good lawyer, I suppose. I look at Dax, silently asking if this is what we should do. He nods.
“Okay,” I say. “Go for it.”
“Hot damn,” she says. “I’ll call you as soon as I know more.”
And just like that, my life changes.