We make our way to the backyard. The hickory smell of the grill is stronger, but even though I was hungry when I arrived, I’m now sick to my stomach. “That doesn’t even make sense. I didn’t even know him until after we broke up. You were long gone to California when I met Justin.”
“I don’t think we’ve seen the last of him.” Dax lifts foil off a tray sitting on my outdoor table and puts shrimp on the grill.
My mind races. “I need to have the locks changed. All of them.”
“Done,” he says. “New keys are on the kitchen table. I also ordered you a camera system, one that will ping your phone.” He closes the lid and wraps an arm around me. “But you have me. I’m the best security system there is.” He holds out an arm in front of me and flexes, making his bicep jump.
I laugh and swat him away. I don’t say that one day Dax might not be here. “I’m going in to make the salad.” I need to process all this.
He swats me on the butt when I pass. “Tell Tyler to come out here. I’ll teach him how to play with fire safely.”
Horrified, I stare at Dax. “I will not!”
He bursts out laughing. “I knew you’d say that.”