Page 41 of The Girl He Loves

“With today’s technology, I can’t imagine suddenly disappearing. No matter where I am, I can talk with him. Still be his friend. I’m not saying this to be mean, but I’m not like his dad. I value time with him. I value time with you, and with all the people I care about, like my sister and her kids. The people in my life are important to me. I want you both in my life, however that may look. I have no idea what lies ahead for me. I thought I’d still be playing in the NFL. But here I am. And don’t take that wrong because I like being here.”

Dax approaches and stops right in front of me. He stares at me, searching my face. Then he strokes my cheek. Witless, once again overruled by my body, I go loosey-goosey, barely hanging on to the tool in my hand.

I say, “Bleacher Report has you taking a job with your dad’s team.”

His lips quirk, making his lopsided smile. “Can you imagine being fired by your dad? That would make Christmas awkward. Besides, you know how difficult my dad is. Does that sound like a good career move to you?”

I move to stand by Justin’s work table. Not that he ever used it. And set the screwdriver down. “But you’d be back in the game. You love the game.”

He nods. “Yeah, but I love being healthy, too. That’s why I quit before I had to. I love not always being stressed out. Working for my dad would be a layer of stress I’m not sure I want.”

“Then you aren’t going to work for the Tampa team?”

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

“This is good,” I say as I lean against the counter. “A real conversation between friends.”

“Who have sex,” he adds as he moves closer.

I lean forward enough to lightly punch him in the stomach.

He doubles over in pretend agony. When he looks up at me, his smile big, he says, “Heather, if I had one wish right now, it would be for another day with you.”

I want to say yes so desperately I can’t think of any more arguments for no.