Page 25 of The Girl He Loves

He smiles. “Got it. Are you sure we'll be okay together?” he teases.

I point to the smartwatch on my wrist. “Tyler is wearing a watch similar to this. If he has a seizure, I’ll be alerted. Probably before you even realize it.”

“So, it’s not that you fully trust me. I get it. Go do your thing.” He waves me off.

I hesitate for only a second. Yeah, Dax's got it. But how would he be in a real-time event? Hopefully, we won’t find out. Hopefully, Tyler will have a blast and be left with nothing but wonderful memories.

With the guys outside, I call Josie. She tells me she’s connected with a prominent lawyer known to handle these cases and will do so in a timely manner. After Josie’s review of my record, she thinks getting it expunged will be easy. The real obstacle tis time. She’s waiting to hear back from the other lawyer with an estimate.

We disconnect, me still in limbo. I sit at the small built-in desk in my kitchen and use my laptop to search out other degree options, but don’t come away with anything of interest that’s not going to require several more years in school.

Feeling a little hopeless as the clock quickly ticks down to my deadline, I go into the living room where Dax and Tyler are playing Battleship.

Dax is tempting us both with going out to eat when he gets a phone call. He steps outside to take it, briefly glancing at me through the sliding door. When he comes back in, he’s distracted.

“Listen, I’m sorry, but there’s something I have to take care of. Can I get a raincheck and do dinner out another night?”

Tyler’s face is crestfallen.

I stroke my son’s head. “Sure, Dax.”

Less than ten minutes later, he’s out the door. I’m grateful I kept my expectations to zero. And this sadness that he’s gone is only because he made the day different, and different is always refreshing and hard to let go. Right? Of course, that’s it.