Adrian’s breath tickled my ear as he leaned into me. “Stop. Remember: we’re taking this one step at a time.”
I really have to learn how to stop broadcasting my thoughts.
My mate chuckled. “I like knowing what you’re thinking. It gives me a chance to help you.”
“And why aren’tyoubroadcasting your thoughts anymore?” I asked, twisting in his embrace to glare up at him.
A crooked smile played at his lips; instead of responding, he pressed a chaste kiss to my mouth and released me.I’m a quick learner.
“That’s not fair.” I frowned and crossed my arms. “Care to share with the class?”
He took a step back and shook his head. “Soon. But for now, I’ll take your disadvantage as the blessing it is, because now at least I know how to help you, little miss control freak.”
“I am not a control freak,” I said, my hands falling to my sides. “I just like to know what’s going on. Is that too much to ask?”
Amusement filled his eyes. “We won’t be here forever. Only a couple more days, and then we’ll be reunited with everyone else, and finally be going home to Avalon.”
Somehow, I wanted that more than anything. To finally be there, returned to the world I was destined to someday rule. With all the talk of Avalon, it had become this goalpost, and each time we were delayed, it felt like I was taking a step back from my destiny.
I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to rule. Hell, I knew I wasn’t cut out for it. But I was born a curious person, and I was a storytellerat heart. Something about the magical and mystical surrounding it all made me eager to finally see it in person.
“Ask any question you want,” Adrian said, his once amused smile turning soft. “Whatever you want to know about Avalon, I’ll tell you.”
My heart gave a little squeeze at the offer, and I couldn’t help but reciprocate his smile. A lightness filled my chest, followed by warmth down the bond, and I took it as a good sign that despite the turmoil from this morning surrounding Ry and my panic attack, I was able to come out of that dark place unscathed.
I had a plan for Ry. It wouldn’t be a forever kind of thing, but until he bothered showing his face, it would work in the meantime.
Adrian held out his hand to me, and I took it without hesitation. His warm fingers tightened around mine, and he tucked me into his side as he guided me to one of the sitting rooms that looked like it had come out of a different time period. Green and gold accented the dark wood, a full fireplace in the centre of the room. The apartment had central air, though there was something romantic about the fireplace that begged for it to be used.
I wouldn’t attempt it without Maeve’s go ahead, not in such an old building. But I still admired it as Adrian and I settled ourselves onto one of the velvet green couches. He pulled me into his side and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, curling a strand of my hair around his finger almost absentmindedly.
“What do you want to know?” he asked as I rested my head on his shoulder.
Adrian tightened his arm around me.Be more specific,hereplied, amused. He smiled as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
I sighed, the muscles in my shoulders relaxing as warmth settled over me. Adrian’s magic soothed me in a different kindof way to Elias’s. Now that I could focus on my own power, it moved beneath my skin in response to Adrian, but not like the volatile, dangerous way it had been before. It no longer begged for stability, and now that I had the anchors, I could recognise just how volatile it had been before.
“Fine,” I mused. “What about that academy? You’ve mentioned it a few times. What’s it like?”
“It’s...intense,” Adrian replied carefully, pulling the strand of hair looped around his finger. “But nothing you can’t handle.”
“Hmm. That doesn’t sound promising.” I shifted to meet his gaze, taking in the slight furrow of his brow and the downturn of his lips. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Adrian dropped the piece of hair he’d been playing with and sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. Uncertainty filtered down his side of the bond as he levelled his stare on me. “Oberon Academy is for the best of the best. The students are ruthless. Their only goal is power. How much they can obtain while there, what connections they can make, finding the most powerful mates and making sure they’re one step closer to the council—and the crown.” His throat bobbed as he swallowed, and his eyes flickered away. “Not everyone is like that, obviously. But most are, because their parents were like that. Oberon Academy is a stepping stone for these people, and I’m worried they’ll—”
“They’ll what?” I asked quietly.
His eyes found mine again. “I’m worried they’ll try to break you.”
We spent the rest of the day talking about anything other than the ruthless academy I was being forced to attend. Although Adrian assured me I’d only be there for a semester, I couldn’t ignore the unease churning in my stomach at the thought of going. Not only would I be away from the girls for nearly twelveweeks, I’d have to deal with supernatural elites who had years of training against me.
Little old me, future Queen of their world, practically defenceless.
What a great look that would be. Maybe it would give the enemy more reason to get rid of me.