Page 31 of The Powers of Nyx


“Where are you?” a harsh voice snapped, pulling me through the thick, inky darkness surrounding me.

Whatever fight was left in me completely disappeared whenheappeared. Still, I couldn’t make out his features, save for the colour of his eyes. They were different to when we’d first met, but so beautiful. So enchanting.

I stopped myself there.

“Where are you, little flower? You broke your promise. You said you would keep me blocked. But you screamed for me. You begged. And now you are in pain.”

Through our bond—or because of the damned dreamscape—I felt his unhinged concern for me. It rattled something within me. I hadn’t felt anything like it from him. “Why do you care?” I bit out. “It’s not like you’ve cared before.”

Cool fingers gripped either side of my face, and despite his nearness, I still couldn’t make out any features. “I have always cared about you, my little flower. Everything I do is because I so foolishly care. And you are hurt. So, tell me where you are.”

Something in me yearned to give into his temptations, especially when he ghosted his lips over mine. I forced my face out of his grasp. “I’m not in Avalon.”

“I know.”

I swallowed thickly. “We were on the way to the ferry. The soldiers were following us. I—I took some out, but it wasn’t enough. We couldn’t get away.”

The darkness shifted unexpectedly, and Ry cursed. “You need to wake up, little flower. You need to wake up and build your strength.”

“So you can leave me again?” I asked, stepping out of his reaching grip. “Goodbye, Ry.”

I was once again pulled into the darkness, and I waited for it to spit me back out into the pain of reality.


When I awoke again, I no longer hung upside down.

Cold, damp grass tickled my skin, wetting the back of my shirt and pants. My toes curled, and I realised I’d somehow lost a boot.

Great, I thought, glaring up at the overcast sky. Storm clouds were gathering, blocking out the sun that had once warmed the day.

“Ivy?” Emerald green eyes filled my vision. Tears spilled down my cheeks as Adrian swept me into his hold. “Fuck, I was so worried about you.”

I whimpered; my arms ached, but I still tried to wrap them around him. Slowly, everything started to come into focus. Adrian smelled of burning metal and blood, but beyond that, he didn’t seem hurt. I took stock of myself, checking to make sure I could easily move all my limbs—and that I had them all. My arms were fine, though sore. I still had all my fingers and toes. Nothing else hurt based on my own observations, but I wouldn’t feel right about that until I could stand and speak properly.

“Where—everyone?” My throat tightened, my tongue heavy and dry in my mouth.

Adrian pulled away slightly to meet my stare. “Hawk is fighting. A local team of agents were alerted and they’re here. We’re okay. You are okay.”

But something in my chest tightened as fear spiked within me. “Maeve?”

The moment his eyes left mine, my stomach dropped. Panic made my breaths come faster, and I tried to pull free of his grip.

“Where is she?” I whispered. “Adrian?”

My mate clenched his jaw, gaze darting off to the side. “I’m sorry. The sun—”

I looked up. Even with the clouds essentially taking over the afternoon sun, it still had a bite to it. And it would kill her.

“She’s still in the wreckage. She’s safe there until the reinforcements can move her.”

Tears burned the back of my throat, and I pulled myself up into a seated position. “Is she alive?” I asked, head swimming.

Adrian blew out a shaky breath, but there was hope in his eyes when he nodded. “Last I checked. But I had to get you out of there, Ivy. I didn’t want to leave her, but—”

I surged forward and kissed him. “I know. I know.” As I pulled back, I noticed the unearthly glow coming from my skin. The markings that had scared me that first time now gave me a sense of strength. “I can help her. I think I can save her.”