Page 157 of The Powers of Nyx

“We’ll discuss an alternative later. For now, though, Headmistress Sylvia is having a mandatory class onSafety and Magical Controlduring that time,” Elias replied.

I nodded just as the limo pulled in. Rowan slid out first, followed by Elias, who took up protective detail ahead of me, while Adrian and Maeve took the rear. A couple of people rushed to meet us, pulling duffels from the trunk. There was no need for the team to haul their belongings back and forth anymore.

Not when we were stuck here.

It won’t be long until we’re back at the palace anyway,Rowan reassured me, glancing over his shoulder to give me a wink.The ball will make you wish you were back here.

I sighed without comment. Though I highly doubted it, the mention of the ball made my stomach twist.

In a few days, literally everything would change for me here.

I wouldn’t be the transfer charm witch from the human world.

I’d be Ivy, Daughter of Nyx, future Queen of Nyx’s Domain.

And everyone would know it.

Blood pounded in my ears as we entered the main building; the sitting room where parents and families were expected to wait was eerily quiet. Not even the fireplace was warm. I twisted my fingers as we made our way through the halls towards my first class of the day.

It was a miracle we’d made it in time, especially with the city of Aster still on lockdown after the attack on the temple.

The halls remained quiet the longer we walked. Through the open windows, I caught sight of the ruined gym and quicklyaverted my eyes. Guilt still burned within me from my part in the explosion, but I didn’t blame myself anymore. I couldn’t even put it on Ry.

It was onhim. The False King.

Goddess above, I wanted to roll my eyes.

He was a coward, and it sure as hell was starting to piss me off.

You’re projecting your thoughts, and you are angering yourself, Maeve warned, brushing the bond calmly.

I pulled back the anger, and the magic that came with it. Completing the bond with Rowan had helped in healing it, but there was still an issue of…control. One, I believed, would be fixed if I found Ry.

As we entered theStrategies of Powerclass, I stopped in the doorway, my body locking up as the weight of so many stares fell on me. The class itself hadn’t started yet, so it wasn’t like I was interrupting anything.

But still, they stopped what they were doing to run their critical eyes over me. What were they thinking about? Were their thoughts on the explosion? How it had been my magic to trigger the runes and destroy the gym?

I waited for that familiar pit in my stomach to yawn open and for the panic to fill me, for my ears to ring and my heart to race, but nothing came.Once, I would have buckled under their stares. But the numbness took over. I couldn’t bring myself to care.

Everything is okay, Sweetheart, Adrian said.All they know is you were hurt during the explosion.

I gave him a barely perceptible nod and searched the room for Vanya. She stood at a section of tables towards the back where we usually sat, and waved when I caught her eye.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I rushed to join her. Apparently, that’s all it took for everyone to start their conversations again. As I passed, I caught snippets about the ball and what theyplanned to wear, the most recent attack on Aster, and the tampering of the sparring rooms in the arena.

I slid into a chair beside Vanya, while the team took up positions throughout the room, though Maeve and Elias remained outside, keeping watch in the hall.

“How are you?” Vanya murmured, just as our professor appeared.

I shrugged. “Could be better.” I glanced at her from the corner of my eye, and she smiled reassuringly. “A lot of new developments.”

She nodded and flipped open her textbook. “Yeah. I’ve heard a lot of whispers,” she replied quietly. “Especially about you.”

I shivered, but didn’t respond, not as the lecture on maintaining peace through power began. Despite knowing better, I searched the classroom for familiar, silver-white hair. I waited for that prickle of familiarity, and yet…

Orion Black wasn’t in class.

My stomach dropped as I ran my eyes over the other students again, but he wasn’t there.