Page 138 of The Powers of Nyx

I rubbed my chest, picking up the pace. “She was meant to be in her Defence class,” I growled. I couldn’t help but think that maybe I could have prevented this if I’d pressed her about that mentor. Maybe it could have been prevented if I’d been the one working with her.

“This way is faster,” Kingsley said, turning down a quiet hall. “She might still be there.”

We’d tried to set up comms with Grey and Archer, but neither had responded. It wasn’t until we’d taken a black-out SUV that we’d learned all communications in and out of the academy were down. That their wards had been compromised.

Her power shouldn’t have done that. Shecouldn’thave done that.

Not alone, at least.

Fuck. We picked up the pace, sliding into another hall, one all too familiar. But the crowds of students were thick, barricading the bridge leading into the gym.

“Move,” I shouted, a tremble entering my voice as the students quietened. They parted though, eyeing both Kingsley and I warily. At the front of the group, Ivy’s friend stood.

“Is she okay?” Vanya asked quietly as we passed. “No one has come out of there.”

I stopped beside her. “Are you sure?”

She nodded, wringing her hands. “Several guards tried, but it’s in lockdown. I don’t know if…” She trailed off and glanced at the doors and swallowed hard. “There’s something wrong, isn’t there?”

“That’s what we’re going to find out,” I replied. “Don’t worry.”

Her eyes swam with tears, but she nodded, taking a step back.

I shared a look with Kingsley as we turned to the dark walkway between the hall and the gymnasium. Power radiated from the building in an entirely different way.

“You think Maeve and Rowan are in there holding everyone back?” Kingsley asked, pausing at the door.

I shook my head as he rolled his sleeve up and revealed the communication rune on his wrist. He ran a finger over the dark marks, and it took a moment, but it activated with a dull glow.


For a long moment, there was nothing. The rune’s glow flickered, but it didn’t give out right away. My heart almost stopped while we waited.

But the rune pulsed with light, and a voice came through. “Took you fucking long enough,” Archer rasped. “Where are you?”

Kingsley and I both blew out shaky breaths. “We’re outside the gym. Are you with Ivy? Tell me she’s okay.”

“The whole place is fucking dark,” he replied. “I can’t…I can’tfeelanything.”

I cursed under my breath. “Do you know why no one can get in?”

“What?” Archer questioned. “No. What the fuck?”

Kingsley and I shared a look. “Hold on. We’ll be in there soon.” As he lowered his wrist, he shook his head. “What the hell is going on?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. And I don’t care what it takes,” I said, “but I’m going in there.”

He exhaled harshly, nostrils flaring. “I won’t stop you.”

I rolled my shoulders back and let the shift claim me. My body rippled and muscles groaned as the wolf appeared. Any worries I had before disappeared. The wolf and I both wanted the same thing. And he knew he needed me to get that.

I danced back, while Kingsley moved to the side. I ignored everything else as I focused on the doors. I was ready to tear apart anything that tried to keep me from her.

Leaning back on my haunches, I launched myself at the door. As soon as I collided with it, I felt it. The power holding them together. The absolute darkness within.

But somehow, they gave way, and I landed on my feet inside the black gym. I’d only seen the inside briefly before. But nothing was recognisable, not even as my vision adjusted to the darkness.

Kingsley entered behind me. The building shook, and the doors groaned, slamming shut and trapping us within.