I cringed at her words but said nothing about it. “What makes you think that?”
“Just something mind witches can sense.” She jumped to her feet and gave me a knowing look. “I have a feeling someone wants to hurt Prince Adrian—and his mate.”
Blythe might not have been aware that his mate was the Daughter of Nyx, but it was clear she sensed something. She knew I had to hide Ivy for her safety, which was why she’d created the blocks in the first place.
The witch sighed and started for the door. “You should know she’s back now. Just arrived.” She tapped her temple and offeredme a tired smile. “I cannot wait for the day I can remove the blocks.”
I released a tired breath and nodded. “Soon. Just a little longer, Blythe.”
She pressed her lips into a thin line before shaking her head. “Goodnight, Orion.”
With that, she slipped out of the room, leaving me to the silence and darkness that belonged to my space. I dropped onto the bed and let my head fall into my hands. Carefully, I caressed our bond. The weak thread in my chest pulsed as she grew nearer, but never close enough.
Her blocks were better, too. Not even Blythe could help me break through the ones she used when she slept. I had to find another way to give her the recharge she needed.
I tried to get a feel for where she was, but the bond was too fragile. My heart clenched as I rose to my feet, and I exited my dorm room into the quiet hall. No one stirred as I stalked through the darkness. Most were sleeping, as they should, with their dreams clear on display. Others were awake, but they didn’t bother me.
I made my way down the dorm staircase, hitting the main hallway without faltering, and let my feet carry me towards my mate. The bond might have been unhelpful, but I could trust my body to always know where Ivy was.
And it appeared not even she had been swept into dreams yet.
The library was open at all hours, and during the night, was run by the Changed Vampires. I barely glanced at the librarian who sat quietly at their station. Here, I wasn’t alone. Several other students were scattered amongst the shelves and tables. None looked up as I passed, and as soon as I knew I was out of sight, I drew the shadows around me and slowed.
I knew she was here; felt her like I felt my own heart. The closer I got, the brighter the bond grew. It was still frail, but it pulsed with her proximity.
A shiver rolled down my spine the moment I saw her.
She was alone, with her dark hair tied back into a ponytail, and she wore clothes I might have thought were pyjamas. She hadn’t noticed me yet, her head bowed over a book. She was curled up on an armchair at the far end of the library, completely isolated from everyone else.
My heart raced as I spent a few moments taking her in. It irritated me to no end, knowing her other mates weren’t around. With Ivy at the academy, I’d come to learn how to sense when they were close. My bond mates were always normally present.
But not now.
I so badly wanted to reach for her. To call for her and reveal myself. To take her into my arms and never let go again.
But I held myself back. As much as I needed her, as much as I yearned for her, I couldn’t let myself have her yet.Not yet. But soon.
As if she caught that thought, Ivy looked up, gaze flickering around the dark corner where I hid. It felt like her eyes were on me, peeling away the shadows to reveal the boy I’d once been.
“I feel you,” she whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. “I know you’re there.”
How badly I wanted her to say my name. The name only she called me. But she didn’t. Couldn’t. Even if it was only us here, the glamour forbade her.
“Why are you doing this?” Her voice wasn’t sad, but rather tired. “Why do you keep hiding?”
My throat tightened. “Soon.”
Her eyes widened, and she dropped her book as she climbed to her feet. “You keep saying that,” she said, “and yet you keephiding. When issoon? I don’t know if I can keep doing this.” Her voice broke, and it almost tore me apart.
I held firmly to the shadows as I approached her. She eyed the darkness, a hint of fear in her honeyed-brown eyes, but she didn’t move. She didn’t flinch away.
For the first time in years, I peeled one of the gloves off with the intention of touching another living being. It’d been so long since I’d felt another—so long since I’d felther. I’d always known that she would be the only one for me.
Hers was the first touch that never hurt me, that hadn’t brought me pain, suffering,anguish. Her touch had brought me life, and love, and everything I needed to survive.
Hers would be the only touch I would accept. Until Nyx claimed me.