Other shifters didn’t care. They stripped, but I kept my eyes on the wall in front of me.
“You think there will be an attack here?” one of the other guards asked.
I stiffened, but didn’t respond, waiting for someone else to give their thoughts.
“I heard there have been attacks in the human realm,” another said. “Rumours of someone hunting the Daughter of Nyx.”
My jaw clenched, but I stepped out from beneath the spray. “Rumours or fact?” I asked. “Because if you’re just spreading rumours, that puts a lot of people in danger.”
The male narrowed his eyes as he turned. “You know something?” he asked.
Shaking my head, I ran a hand through my wet hair. “Good luck with your rumours.”
A female in one of the other stalls snorted, but I stalked off in the direction of the academy proper. I might be settled now that I knew the campus was cleared, but I still needed to see my girl, even if she was supposed to be at the dining hall.
As I made my way through the halls, my device pinged. I stopped short of the dining hall, gritting my teeth in frustration, but I backed away and moved into an alcove.
“What?” I snapped.
The male on the other end chuckled.“Don’t get smart with me.”
I stiffened and pushed myself further into the shadows. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t...expecting any outside communication.”
Cyrus snorted, and I heard the scrape of something against wood. “Never mind. You want to know what I found out, or what?”
Flood lights switched on around the darkening campus, and the halls grew brighter in anticipation of the night classes. “Yes.”
“No news about a Fae male with exceptional power that could be related to a mate bond. But doesn’t mean there aren’t any powerful Fae.”
I blew out a harsh breath. “What does that mean, exactly?”
“You might have to look at the bloodlines. I’ve got feelers out, and there are a few names coming back. The Black Bloodline is one to look at. Powerful, yes. But the son shouldn’t be as powerful as he is. Same with the Starling Bloodline. Both are Heads of their Courts.”
I nodded, despite him not being able to see me. “Noted. I’m at Oberon Academy now. I’ll keep an eye out.”
“I don’t think I want to know how you wound up there, Beckham. But be careful. There’s political unrest with the Courts right now. And that’s bleeding through the ranks.”
I rolled my shoulders to release tension, but it only made my stomach clench. “Also noted,” I replied. “Do you have any information about the attack at Briarwood today?”
Cyrus was quiet for a moment before sighing. “Damned shame.” He made a sound in the back of his throat before continuing, “All I know is the unrest might be related. I’ve already put feelers out. I’ll be in touch soon. And this time, don’t be a prick. Answer my comms.”
He ended the call. I lowered my device back to my belt, and scrubbed a hand over my face, doing what I could to push the darker thoughts aside. For now, she was safe.
And I’d do anything within my power to keep it that way.
THEchildren hated me. I tried to keep that from Ivy; she had to believe I was capable of at least babysitting, but they hated me.
It was just another thing that made me feel...useless. Undeserving. It reminded me of all the terrible things I already knew about myself.
I was not good with domestic life. The last two-hundred years proved that. I was a soldier. Leading teams, dealing with prisoners, entering the field...those were all tasks I could manage.
But when it came to three children—Ivy’ssisters—I was no better than a newly Changed vampire.
With the youngest two in bed, I was left with Eloise, who sat quietly on one of the sofas in the family room with large, over the ear headphones on. Despite being warned to listen to Adrian and me while Ivy was at the academy, she had no such inclination. But I couldn’t blame her. I was just another person who had come in and altered her life entirely. And the poor girl was struggling.