Tears burned my eyes as I returned to staring at the ceiling. But another figure caught my eye, and though I couldn’t fully take him in, I knew from the shiver of electricity it was Hawk. He, too, slept, head against the back of the armchair, arms folded over his chest. It didn’t look comfortable, but somehow, it made my heart flutter, knowing he was still here.
That he stayed.
“You’ve awoken,” a familiar, bright voice said, cutting through the thick silence. I managed to shift to take in Sable, who moved to the end of the bed so I could see her. “They won’t wake for a little longer. Unfortunately, you’re quite trapped there.”
I cleared my throat, the only part of me that still ached. “How long—”
“Three days and counting,” she replied. “You scared quite a few people with that.”
My eyes shuttered and I sighed. “It wasn’t me.”
“I’m well aware. Someone toyed with the runes in those sparring rooms. It was so subtle, not even your mentor would have figured it out. Didn’t matter that I gave him something to help ward off an attack—unintentional or not—from you. It appeared to have been countered by whatever that little shit set up.” She crossed her arms, violet eyes flickering over me before falling to her son. “You know what you need to do, don’t you, dear?”
I gave her a shallow nod and released a breath. “I need to complete my mate circle before he takes my power,” I whispered. “That’s what the Goddess told me. She said he did all of this.”
“He knew, in some way, that you would be weakened. That you had a missing link in your circle. I think you’ll find that link will reveal himself soon.” She offered me a coy smile, similar to the ones she’d give us when it was clear she knew something we didn’t. “ThisFalse Kingis in a place I can’t see him. And he’s hiding from Nyx. That makes him dangerous.”
“Nyx said he was smart. Smarter than she or anyone else realised.”
Sable shrugged. “Or just arrogant. He doesn’t realise the magnitude of his betrayal. And that will destroy us all, won’t it?”
The hours blurred together until the others woke. One by one, they startled awake like they’d been released from a nightmare. Hawk almost fell off his chair with a harsh gasp. At my side, Maeve shot up, wide eyes searching the bedroom like she expected the enemy to be hiding in the closet. At my other side, Adrian pushed up onto his side, bright eyes finding mine.
“You’re awake,” he stated, hand tightening around mine.
I nodded. “I have been for a while,” I replied.
Rowan twisted so he was kneeling between my legs, a look of tired shock playing out across his face as he took me in. “Thank the fucking Goddess,” he breathed, bowing his head.
The only one who didn’t move was Elias, though now his eyes were open. He remained perfectly still, the wolf still in control, watching me. Like if he moved, I would slip back into sleep.
I wanted to reach out to him through the bond, but my chest burned, and the bonds themselves remained weak. Pressing my lips together, I pulled my hand from Adrian’s and ran my fingers through Elias’s fur.
“Come back to me,” I whispered. “Please.”
The wolf whined but closed his eyes. I got the barest impression of fear through what was left of the bonds.
“As soon as we got you back to the palace, he shifted. He hasn’t changed back since,” Maeve explained, bringing our joined hands up to her mouth. She gently kissed the inside of my wrist, before pressing my hand against her heart. “We were so worried.”
“I know,” I said. With a groan, I tried to push myself up into a sitting position, which earned me several worried glares. I might not have felt the pain anymore, but my body was still weak.
That’s what I get for sleeping for three days, I thought, wincing at the stiffness in my legs
Adrian slipped in behind me like a backrest, letting me lean into him for support. My head pounded from the exertion, breath harsh in my own ears.
Goddess, I felt weak. Powerless. And so, so fucking tired. Part of me wanted to return to the damned nightmare forest, because at least there, I knew my enemy.
But here, in the real world, I knew nothing.
No one did.
Not even the Goddess.
My eyes slipped shut, and I released a heavy breath. “I’m so sorry.”
Adrian’s arms tightened around me, and he kissed my temple, hesitating before pulling back. “You did nothing wrong. You didnothing, Ivy.”