Page 93 of The Bonds of Nyx

“That goes against protocol.” I stepped up beside her as the elevator dinged its arrival. “You don’t seem like the type to say ‘fuck the rules’. Especially with our new Queen involved.”

As the doors slid open, Grey extended an arm and grabbed me by the throat. I felt the extension of her claws against the skin of my neck, the warning clear.

“I know someone on the inside is giving away our locations,” she murmured, eyes flashing red, “and I fully plan on making sure you and your team are cleared. Our enemies likely have both locations, only we are not at either. During the drive,Adrian disabled all your additional charms and wards, including all ways to communicate with your team.” Anger rose within me, and I gritted my teeth. “Right now, you are here because you have to be. But make no mistake: I willkill youbefore you know what’s happening. If you prove to be putting Ivy in danger, then Iwillmake sure you and your entire team suffer.”

I couldn’t help the sneer working its way across my face as I stared down at the vampire. “Why not kill us all when we arrived? Or drink our blood to check if we were your enemy?” Her dark brows rose. “Yeah, I know what you’re capable of. Do you know what it’s like being one of the best teams, only to be shafted on the most important mission we will ever see? I get whyyouwere chosen, but the others? A prince and the Seer’s son. What the hell can they do that others can’t?” The disgust in my voice wasn’t lost on her.

Grey threw me back into the wall, and I grunted from the impact, my shoulder blades screaming as I tried to give them some relief where my wings came through. “I know what you’re capable of, too, Hawk Nash,” she replied, baring her fangs, “and you do not scare me. None of your team does. If it truly is the case of jealousy over not being on the initial team, fine, prove your worth to Ivy by keeping her and her family safe. But you are undermyorders only, and I will be keeping an eye on you—all of you.”

With that, she released my throat, and her claws retracted with her fangs. “Now, we will go up, check the apartment, then retrieve our Queen so she can rest. Is that understood?”

Scrubbing a hand through my hair, I sighed. I didn’t know what I expected when getting this assignment, but I certainly wasn’t prepared for any of this. And neither was my team. My team, myfamily, was now under her thumb.

So, I met her stare and gave her a single nod. The smile that twisted across her lips shouldn’t have scared me as much as itdid. I knew the rumours of her Change. I knew the strength she wielded, and I knew her threats were genuine.

“Good,” she replied. “Now, let’s get to work.”



PAINradiated throughout my body as I threw myself at the bear shifter. It tore into me with lead-encased claws, ripping through my fur and into my already bruised flesh.

But with Ivy’s bond coursing through me, I tightened my jaw around the bear’s throat, using the added strength to snap its spine and tear through the spinal cord. With one last shake of my head, I released the shifter and watched as its body went limp and fell to the wet earth, head rolling to the side. Blood seeped from the open throat, watering the soil, and I couldn’t help but have that same nagging thought that something wasn’t right about this bear.

I shifted, reclaiming my body, the wolf retreating into the back of my mind as I took in the damage. The dead were littered across the ground, mostly the enemy, but I spied a handful of our own scattered amongst the bodies.

One belonged to Hawk Nash’s team. His tracker. Despite not liking the prick, I still prayed to Nyx for him.

Jay appeared in what once was the doorway of the safe house, a slash of red decorating his usually unmarred face. He grimaced as he limped towards me, one hand gripping his side.

“You look like shit,” Jay said, speaking through gritted teeth. “You okay?”

I didn’t have to wait long for the bond to start healing me in the same way it had protected Kingsley when he’d been stabbed. A rush of warmth filled my veins with Ivy’s now-familiar power.The healing magic would take care of the most worrying damage to my body. The other issues were on my own healing abilities.

Instead of replying, I grabbed his arm to steady his swaying body. “We need to get you to a healer,” I muttered. “Where’s the rest of your team?”

There were no other living souls in front of the house. I searched the darkening forest with my wolf’s sight but caught nothing unusual in the trees.

Jay grunted and waved me off. “Doing a head count and checking the casualties. At least two enemy vehicles got away, but we tagged one of them. A new team has been sent in to watch or eliminate.”

“How many did we lose today?” I asked, staring down at the face of Hawk’s team member. I had to hope none of my own team were amongst the dead.

“Too many.” Jay started for the path leading around the side of the house, which was mainly rubble now. “Haven’t seen any of yours, though.”

The breath of relief came almost too quickly as we rounded the destroyed safe house and came to a stop. Three enemy soldiers were tied together, their mouths gagged, and eyes covered. The rest of Jay’s team stood around them with looks of fury.

A growl built in my chest as I stalked towards them. Jay grabbed hold of my arm and stepped in front of me. “We need to take them with us,” he said. “Queen’s orders.”

“At least let me rip into one of them,” I replied, curling one hand into a fist. “They put my mate in danger.”

Jay’s brows furrowed as he watched me. “Your…” He swore and released my arm. “Fuck me, you mated the Queen.”

I pressed my lips into a firm line but didn’t respond. Jay, though, chuckled darkly. “I’ve known you since you were a kid. Thirty years ago, I never would have imagined it.” He shook his head and patted me on the shoulder. “Still can’t kill them,though. Ya’Dahir got in contact. He wants them back at the compound, so we’ll escort them there once we’re free to go.”

“What do you mean, free to go?” I asked, rounding on him. “What the hell is the plan?”

Jay looked from me to his team, who were helping one another heal. Those left from Nash’s team clung to one another. None of mine were amongst the gathered soldiers, so it meant they’d gotten out with Ivy.