“Finally,” he muttered, pushing off the glass. “I thought this meeting was supposed to be important.”
From behind me, Ivy grunted in irritation. “So sorry. Do you have somewhere better to be?”
Hawk’s dark eyes snapped to her, the facade almost crumbling as he smiled ruefully. But instead of responding, he motioned to the desk and the armchair he once occupied.
I expected Elias to speak up, but when I glanced over my shoulder at him, he didn’t look angry at the interaction like I would have thought. Instead, he seemed to observe them—Hawk primarily—as Ivy sat down on one of the armchairs. I found myself watching the half-Fae team leader, too, as he tracked every one of her movements.
Elias tore his eyes away from Hawk to meet my stare. Maybe he saw it too—the strange way Hawk gravitated towards her. Maybe it was just her power as the future Queen, but the restof his team seemed almost unbothered by the fact she was here. Only Hawk sought her out.
It didn’t sit well with me, but I pushed it aside for now and promised myself I would revisit it later.
Elias took position at Ivy’s back, one hand resting on her shoulder as she crossed her arms. Hawk remained by the window, reclaiming his earlier position, though he refused to look at Ivy again. I moved to sit across from her behind the desk, feeling almost too formal as I glanced at her and then down at the plans.
“The evacuation will begin in three days,” I started, resting my hands on the table before me. “And it will be broken up into five individual components.”
Ivy shifted nervously but nodded. “What can I expect for the children?”
I couldn’t help but admire how she thought of them first. Not herself or her mates. She needed to know what they would undergo, and how to prepare them for it. “They will be moved out in the middle of the procession. We’ll be using decoy vehicles to move you all.”
From there, Hawk explained the rest, assuming leadership over the mission. It was his anyway, and letting him explain gave me time to observe Ivy’s reactions to the plan. To see if she would be okay with what we were setting up.
She did well hiding her worries, though I wondered if she was telepathically airing her grievances to Elias. My heart twisted, and I wasn’t sure why.
Was I jealous of their connection? Hawk’s explanation turned into a dull echo in my ears as I watched her. From the subtle pink of her cheeks to the flesh of her arms as they prickled with a shiver. Was the room too cold for her, or had Elias told her something? Again, my heart twisted at the idea.
It was ridiculous. I knew from my past I would likely never find my mate. Changed vampires rarely did, as we did not exist in the same way Born vampires did. And, based on my time with my Sire, I did not deserve to have one. I’d long since given up hope of ever being blessed with that love.
“That everything, Grey?” Hawk asked, and I forced myself to look away from Ivy to meet his stare. I knew the plan thoroughly, but I hadn’t listened to his explanation. If I had the warmth of blood in my veins, I would surely be blushing with embarrassment.
I cleared my throat. “Yes, I believe that is everything. Do you have any questions regarding what we went through today?” I asked, turning back to Ivy.
She looked up at Elias, and they seemed to be having their own private conversation. He’d had time to go over the plan earlier and had given his own opinions on what might and might not work in accordance with Ivy’s preferences. But even now, she seemed uncertain. Tension tightened around her, seeping into her scent.
After a moment, she sighed and glanced between me and Hawk. “I trust you guys to make sure this works. You’re the experts in this, and although I wish it could happen differently, I know you’ll ensure that my family gets out of this safely.” Her eyes swam with unease as our gazes met. “I need you to promise me that the kids will be protected, no matter what. I know your objective is to get me out of here safely. I’m the main priority to the Queen. Buttheyare mine. I need to know my sisters, and Thea will be safe.”
“Of course they will,” I replied. “They will have their own agents with them at all times.”
“And someone from our team?”
Our team. Something about the words made my chest expand with warmth. I couldn’t help but fear that we didn’t deserveher trust. If we had fought harder for her to return with us, her mother might still be alive, and that was something I would spend the rest of my life blaming myself for. Her family wouldn’t have been harmed if I’d done my job sooner.
“There will always be at least two of our team with the children,” I replied, my throat tight. “They will always be safe with us.”
Ivy blew out a soft breath before nodding. “Thank you.”
I couldn’t help but glance at Elias, who kept his eyes trained on his mate. His jaw ticked, but he said nothing, so I took it as a sign that the plan would be a go. She seemed more in control of her magic and emotions now, and nothing about this meeting had set her off.
“If that’s all, I’ll tell my team to be ready,” Hawk said, pushing off the window and striding to the door. He paused with his hand on the doorknob and spared a glance over his shoulder, eyes landing on Ivy. “Your Highness.”
Ivy bristled and said nothing until the door closed behind him. “Jackass.”
Elias snorted and shook his head, the mask of indifference dropping. “Unfortunately, he’s good at his job. Only another week, and then we’ll ditch him in Avalon.”
At that, I smirked. I held onto any questions I might have about their relationship and instead refocused on the upcoming mission. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I asked Ivy directly, allowing her to share her feelings without worrying about Hawk antagonising her.
She sighed and scrubbed a hand through her hair. “Yeah, mostly. I’m worried about the children, of course. They’re my main priority. I need them to be safe. But I’m also worried about blowing up. My magic is still as unhinged as ever, and even though the usual magic-related dreams have died down, I still dream about...other things. And so, my magic is still reacting.”
I nodded, and although I knew I would never truly understand her situation. In some ways, though, I understood her struggle. The overwhelming power suddenly taking over your mortal body, the physical and mental changes that came with it. But I didn’t respond with understanding; I pressed my lips into a firm line and allowed Elias to reassure her instead.