“She won’t like that,” Elias replied quietly, almost sadly. I couldn’t blame him. The idea of her having to rely on this asshole made my blood boil, and my heart sank for her. “But we’ll find a way. We have to.”
“For her.”
Our eyes met again, and I knew this mutual understanding would be the thing to bridge the gap between us. Elias had always been a soldier, but now, he needed to know he was more than that. He was the Queen’s mate, a member of her inner council, and would one day stand beside her while she ruled.
It also meant he’d inherited a family. A likely messed up one, if the stories my father used to tell me were any indication. But regardless of that, we were going to be family.
As if realising the same, he bowed his head and blew out a breath. “We’re a team,” he stated, “so we need to work together to help Ivy and protect her.”
That’s more like him, I thought, rolling my eyes.
We continued our perimeter sweep in silence, though my mind was a mess of thoughts about my mate—and tonight.
My heart thumped loudly in my ears as I stood outside Ivy’s bedroom. I could hear the soft murmur of her voice as she talked to the kids and read them a bedtime story. A smile touched my lips as I waited for her to say goodnight.
I listened as she said something to Elias, who promised to be in wolf form the entire night so he could watch over the kids. That seemed to please the youngest, Maisie, who pledged to be on her best behaviour for him.
I doubted he’d say anything if she wasn’t. It was clear he’d taken to the girls, and they to him. I waited for that familiar churn of jealousy in my gut, but it never came.
When the door opened, I stepped aside before she could bump into me. I was fully aware of her body, of my magic, rising within me in response to her proximity. Still, that forceful tug that had been overwhelming before wasn’t there as our eyes met.
“Adrian,” she breathed, a soft smile tugging her lips. The door shut gently behind her as she stepped closer to me. “What—”
“It’s you and me tonight,” I said, cutting her off. “No bonding, just us being…together.”
Her beautiful eyes, shining like brown garnet, widened. “Together?”
I nodded. “We can talk, sleep, whatever you need.”
She considered me for a moment, her eyes hiding nothing from me. The hope in her irises was evident, as was the uncertainty. I waited for her to say no, but instead, she reached out a tentative hand and entwined her fingers with mine. “Okay. We can talk, sleep, whatever.”
I sighed a breath of relief and tugged her into my arms. Her body’s warmth and the feel of her supple skin calmed my racing heart.
“Thank you,” I whispered into her hair.
I could almost feel her smile against my chest. “Let’s go. The shower is calling my name.”
Images of her naked body flashed through my mind, and to think of her in the shower while I’m just a door away…I cleared my throat and quickly adjusted my pants as I guided her towards my room.
She didn’t say anything as we slipped inside. The room seemed unreasonably warm as the door shut behind us, but I tried to ignore it as I walked to the closet and pulled out a pair of sweats, a t-shirt for her to wear, and a clean towel.
“You know I have clothes, right?” she asked, raising a brow as I handed the pile to her.
I shrugged. “Humour me, will you?”
Ivy shook her head, an exasperated laugh bubbling from her lips. “Are you also going to join me? Or are you just going to stay out here and wait for me?”
Her shining eyes met mine, and although she looked amused with her pink cheeks and hesitant smile, there was also a depth of seriousness in her expression. Like her words were an olive branch that tested the waters of our potential bonding.
I offered her a smile and took her hand, pulling her into me. Her eyes darkened as she shifted against my hardening length, and she swallowed audibly as she looked up at me. “Just a shower,” I said, pressing my forehead against hers.
Ivy’s eyes fluttered closed as she made a strangled sound in the back of her throat. “Yep, just a shower.”
I chuckled and pulled away. “Then let’s get you ready for bed, Sweetheart.”