Page 67 of The Bonds of Nyx

My eyes closed as I enjoyed the peace of being held by him. His steady breathing almost lulled me back into unconsciousness, but I was dragged away from the darkness as the door to the bedroom opened and closed, and another body joined us.

Based on the scent of spice and warmth, it was Rowan who slid into the bed behind me. His hand was careful as it rested on the dip of my hip, but he didn’t try to move any closer.

I should have felt uncomfortable, maybe a little worried by the weird boundary cross, and yet I felt none of that as he settled in behind me with only his hand on me. Was that strange? Should I have shown I was awake and asked him what he was doing?

Is there a problem, Angel?Elias’s sleepy voice filled my head, his own comfort a blanket that settled over me.

I sighed in contentment.No. Nothing’s wrong.

How was your night with the prince?

I had to contain my snort of laughter. I didn’t want either man to know I was awake yet.It was good. It really helped. Thank you.And then I remembered his self-imposed babysitting duty.How were the girls?

I took a moment to answer, but I could feel his ease through the bond.They were okay. At some point, Maisie decided to get out of bed and sleep on the floor next to me, so she’s a little tired. The others are still subdued but doing okay.

My heart clenched.Maisie really likes you, huh?

His laugh rumbled in my head, and warmth flared through the bond.I didn’t think she would.

I almost responded, but Adrian shifted, his arms tightening around me. “I know you’re awake.”

“I thought I might let Rowan get away with thinking he was sneaky.” Behind me, the red-headed mage stiffened. He started removing his hand, but I pulled it back around me and closed my eyes. “And I was getting an update from Elias.”

Adrian moved slightly to look over my shoulder. “What the fuck? It’s too early for your bullshit.”

I snorted. Rowan tried to pull away again, but I gave him another tug, interlocking our fingers. “Too late,” I muttered. “Deal with the consequences.”

“And what are the consequences, beautiful?” he murmured in my ear, breath fanning across my neck.

A shiver ran down my spine. Thea’s voice was like a cackle in my head as the thought of anIvy sandwichplayed across my mind. I shouldnothave been thinking about them that way, but my subconscious wasn’t being as creative as before, and now they were giving me way too much power with this.

So, instead, I snuggled back into Adrian’s chest. “Sleep time with Ivy. Take it while you can because this won’t last if the girls learn I’m awake.”

Adrian huffed, ruffling my hair. “I don’t get a say in this?” he asked teasingly, brushing his fingers over my cheek. “It is my bed.”

“Too bad. I’m comfortable.” He chuckled at my response and relaxed, though I couldn’t help but wonder how he felt about this.

It didn’tfeelwrong to me. Pressed between the two of them, it felt good, and my magic hummed as they each settled in.

Would I need to have a conversation with Rowan about this? Absolutely. But right now? I wanted to enjoy the feeling of having them with me, even if I should have been questioning it.



I SHOULDN’Thave snuck into Adrian’s room. It wasn’tmy brightest idea, but the itch—that ever-present need to be close to Ivy—had guided me right into that bed behind her.

Nerves ate at my insides as I closed my eyes and breathed in her intoxicating scent. I’d never be able to get enough of her. Even if we weren’t mates, there would always be a part of me that would always feel that pull towards her, that indescribable feeling of comfort and fullness at her mere presence.

Adrian had been right before: I’d never been this way around any woman. I’d never desired anyone like I did Ivy.

I wanted to believe we were mates, that the Goddess had put me on that street for a reason.

Ivy’s breathing evened out, her hand slackening where it held mine. I took a lot of comfort in knowing she wasn’t suffering from her nightmares right now. That she at least found peace with the help of her mate.

My heart tightened in my chest.

“Are we going to talk about it?” Adrian asked, his voice soft.