“Yeah, you do that well too.”

“I was losing my confidence on the ranch, Ivan. But now I’m feeling so much stronger. Not only because you’re back in my life – which makes me feel so happy. But also because I knew what I was doing with Langdon – with the suitcases – was wrong. Now I feel I can be myself again, because I’m being true to myself. Does that make sense?”

“It does.” He pulled her close, nuzzling her neck. “Oh, and you did punch me back at the ranch, so I don’t think you were ever quite too meek!”

She laughed with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry about that! I was upset and confused. It was totally wrong of me.”

“Hey, nothing I couldn’t handle. Although you do have a pretty good right hook there.” He rubbed his chin and they both laughed.

She gazed at the huge rock on her finger. “And now I have a knuckle-duster too!”

They laughed again, then faded to a tranquil silence. Samira splashed her feet in the cool water. “I’m going to take swimming lessons. When we’re teaching Quin to swim, I’m going to learn too.”

“I think that’s a great idea.”

She gazed at him, feeling something profound shift inside her. She’d been waiting for this man all her life – for this glorious feeling of love. “I want to give you something – in return for all you’ve given me.”

“You’ve given me plenty, babe: happiness, love, Quin… your beautiful body…”

“Well, you give me those things too.”

“We’ve given each other our hearts and souls – that’s all I want from you Samira – just your love and your company for the rest of our lives.”

She shuffled out of his arms and reached around to unclasp her necklace, removing the delicate chain and holding up the inch-high silver pendant, which looked like an ‘&’ sign. “This belonged to my mother,” she said. “It’s the Arabic symbol for love. I want you to have it. I know you don’t wear jewelry, but you can put it in your wallet, next to my photo.”

Ivan’s tough expression melted into humble love. “Thank you, sweetheart. This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever given me.” He studied it for a moment, then he took out his wallet and slipped it inside for safekeeping. He leaned over and kissed her tenderly. “But I’m only the temporary custodian of this.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. When we have a daughter, I’ll give it to her.”

Samira beamed with joy. “I’d love a daughter.”

“We’d better keep trying until we get one then, huh?”



Once they were both dry, Ivan and Samira pulled on their clothes and went back to join the wedding celebrations. Samira hadn’t put her underwear back on, because it was still damp from the dip, so she subtly asked Amy if she had anything she could lend her. Amy was delighted to help, and they went up to the bridal suite, where she gave Samira some of the most beautiful brand new lingerie she’d ever seen.

“Don’t you need it for your honeymoon?”

“Nah,” Amy said. “You keep it. I’ve got plenty of other things I can use to thrill my new husband.”

After the wedding reception was over, Ivan and Samira thanked the babysitter for watching Quin, then they made their way back across the city to the Quinlan house and put the baby to bed.

“We should go to bed too,” Ivan said.

“But I’m not tired,” she purred.

“I was hoping not.”

In Ivan’s childhood bedroom, Samira lit some peach-scented candles which she’d found in the bathroom and she put on some sassy tunes, creating a sizzling romantic atmosphere. Ivan removed his shirt and tie, revealing his perfect sculpted pecs and abs, which Samira couldn’t resist touching. His flesh was so soft, and his body was firm… she still couldn’t believe this was hers.

He allowed her to fondle his toned chest, before pulling her close and kissing her hard. Desire zoomed through her body – making her feel weak at the knees. As the kiss grew more passionate, he slipped his tongue into her mouth – shooting volts of pleasure between her legs. She grinned between kisses. It felt so good to be married to this amazing guy…

He kissed her sensuously. “You belong to me. And I belong to you.”