Adam winced. “Damn, I never meant for that to happen. I’ll apologize to her as soon as I can, okay? I’ll welcome her properly into our family. And I can’t wait to play some ball with my nephew – what a fucking miracle he is.”

Ivan smiled automatically. “He’s perfect.”

“So… are we cool?”

“Course. But I was pretty surprised to see you behaving like that yesterday. Is there more on your mind than just the wedding?”

Adam chuckled and swigged his drink. “You know me too well.”

“I’ve known you a long time. What’s up?”

“Well, it’s still confidential, but me and Dylan are investing in a new product – something that’s guaranteed to make us a lot of money. But we’ve got this fucking federal health-and-safety official on our back… she’s such a pain in the ass – wants to find fault in everything we’re doing. She’s determined to stop us.”

“Oh yeah – what’s the new product? It’s nothing illegal, is it?”

Adam opened his mouth to reply, but his gaze landed on Amy who waved lovingly. “It’s my wedding day – maybe I shouldn’t be talking business. But, no, it’s not illegal… not exactly…”

“Alright, you can tell me all about it when you get back from your honeymoon. But be careful, Adam. I don’t know why we Quinlans attract trouble, but we do seem to.”

“I will – I know. But for now I need to apologize to your lovely wife. Dare I risk life and limb by cutting in when she’s enjoying herself with Joseph Quinlan – rock-god?”

Adam chuckled. Ivan glanced over. Samira was swaying her body in time with the music and smiling contentedly. But Ivan wanted Adam to make good with her before he got too busy with his guests again.

“Yeah, I’m sure she’d appreciate you cutting in.”

“Alright.” Adam hugged Ivan boisterously. “It’s great to have you here. I missed you, you know.”

“Me too.”

They shared a smile, then Adam strode off to the dance floor to cut in on Joseph – who got the message and left them to chat.

Samira looked worried as Adam started to talk to her, but Ivan could see from Adam’s stance that he was giving her a heartfelt apology – asking for her forgiveness. Samira’s face lit up as Adam charmed her in the way he was so good at – probably telling her a stupid joke and making her laugh to get her on side. But he seemed humble in her presence – genuinely wanting to make sure there were no hard feelings.

Eventually, Adam put out his hand and Samira shook it – chuckling and assuring him she was fine. Adam then opened up his arms and they hugged, warming Ivan’s heart with affection for his new wife and his little brother. The two fell into what looked like a normal conversation, until Amy dragged Adam away to mingle.

Samira drifted over to Ivan, looking peaceful. She kissed him.

“Nice chat with Adam?”

She straightened Ivan’s tie. “Yeah – he’s so sweet. He was saying sorry for yesterday. But I wasn’t upset with him. I was just feeling a little… you know.”


“Yeah, a little.”

“Well, I hope you’re beginning to realize how welcome you are in this family.”

She nodded. “Yeah… they’re all so lovely. Hey, I think I might just go check on Quin.”

“I just checked on him and he’s fine. Mrs. Bowden will call us if there’s a problem, I promise.”

She chuckled. “Okay, you’re right. I just love him, that’s all.”

“So do I – more than words can say. And his beautiful mommy too.” He brushed his fingers over her soft cheek. “Maybe we should slip out of here and find somewhere quieter. You’re too hot for me to resist you much longer.”

“Let’s hear Dylan’s speech,” Samira said. “He’s just about to give it. Then we can go somewhere and be alone. After we’ve checked Quin again.”

He chuckled. “Alright.”