“Ivan,” she said. “Don’t.”

Ivan ignored her and halted in front of the guy, practically growling. “I’m sick of the sight of you. Who the hell are you and why are you following her around?”

The private investigator blew out the smoke from his cigarette and raised a cocky eyebrow. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Samira had expected him to speak with a Southern accent, but he sounded as if he was from New York. There was something about him that reminded Samira of Ivan’s younger brother Dylan, who she’d met briefly once. He was tough and cool, and looked as if he didn’t smile often. His chin was covered with a five-o’clock shadow, and his disinclination to break eye contact with Ivan spoke volumes about how much he wanted to dominate the situation.

Ivan would never let that happen.

He grabbed the guy by the shirt, pinning him up against the wall. Instead of flinching as Ivan had hoped, the guy laughed and threw his cigarette to the ground. “Woah, cowboy! What the hell are you doing?”

Ivan pressed himself nose-to-nose with him. “I asked you a question. Why the fuck are you following her?”

The guy shoved Ivan with both hands, but Ivan stood firm.

“Following her? Are you kidding me? I’m just standing here minding my own goddamn business. Can’t a man even smoke a cigarette without –”

“Bullshit! Listen, man, I don’t know who’s paying you, but you need to leave her alone right now. You understand me?”

“Whatever you say, buddy.”

“Right.” Ivan stepped back to where Samira was watching with concern. He put his arm around her. “Come on, sweetheart, let’s go.”

They walked away back to the truck in the stifling heat, and Samira slammed the passenger door. “Nice one, Ivan. Now he knows there’s something going on between us.”

She glanced out the window at the guy and saw he was still staring at them. He smirked, then threw them both a playful little wave.

Ivan gripped the wheel. “I’m gonna fucking kill him.”

“Let’s just go.”

“Alright. But next time I get him alone I’m going to force him to tell me who he is.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

He relaxed slightly. “I’m sorry, okay. I know I shouldn’t have bulldozed him like that, but I hate this situation. I’d love to drive us both to New York right now and never come back to Texas again.”

“I know. But first I need my passport. And our little boy.”

“I’m not going anywhere without him, that’s for sure.” Ivan started the engine and reversed into the road. “I know you think Mr. Langdon’s this sweet middle-aged guy who wants to help you, but I don’t like him, Samira. There’s more going on here than meets the eye.”

“Maybe. But I think it’s best if you refrain from assaulting people in the street.” She flashed him a smile. “Okay?”

He held her hand as he drove. “Alright.” He checked the rear-view mirror. “Oh… guess who’s also just decided to leave town.”

Samira twisted in her seat and saw the BMW brazenly following behind. They headed down the freeway toward the ranch, then once they were back, the private investigator parked halfway down the entrance road, leaving Ivan and Samira to park in the driveway nearer the house.

As they climbed out the car, Samira pulled Ivan by the arm to prevent him from going over to punch the guy’s lights out. “Come on, let’s go see our baby.”

They strolled together toward the staff cottages and went to see Quin. He was sleeping, but Ivan stood and watched him for ten minutes, holding Samira in his arms and feeling the spark of love ignite in his heart. But, as Samira gazed up at him and they shared a smile, his body washed with lust, and he realized he needed to take her back to his own cottage and make love to her over and over.

As soon as the door was closed, they were kissing passionately. He pulled her close and eased his tongue into her mouth, running his hands down her back and over her ass. She gasped with arousal.

“You’re a goddess,” he whispered, caressing her face.

She chuckled. “When I’m with you, I feel like one.”

“You are one. And I need to fuck you into absolute heaven.” He kissed her tenderly on the lips, then harder, suddenly desperate to kiss her beautiful body all over.