Quin wriggled in Ivan’s arms, so he gently placed him back on the play-mat. “Look, I know Langdon’s been good to you okay, so talk to him. Tell him you’ve changed your mind. Or I will.”

“No I will. But you’ll have to give me some time. The thing is, he’s been looking into my visa application to stay here – he’s got my passport and ID papers. My driver’s license, my bank cards. Everything.”

“Has he?”

“Yeah. But don’t look so worried. He says he just wants to keep everything safe.”

Ivan reached out and caressed her shoulder. Samira was a brave and independent woman, but she trusted people too easily. She saw the good in everyone, which worried Ivan.

“I don’t like him. There’s something sinister going on here, sweetheart. You’re a sensible girl, but you needed help and now he’s exploiting you. I’m not going to let that happen any longer.”

“You don’t know him – you haven’t even met him yet.” She frowned. “Have you?”

“No, but something about this doesn’t add up. He’s offering you marriage for a visa – what does he get out of it? Apart from someone to carry his drugs to the border.”

Samira shrugged. “He gets me and Quin. He said his late wife was never able to have a child, so he just wants to be a husband and father.”

Ivan’s anger brewed inside. “I hate the thought of that asshole touching you.”

“Oh we haven’t actually… done anything. He’s been a perfect gentleman, actually.”

Ivan raised an eyebrow. “Right… But we still need to get you out of here. Talk to him.”

“I will – you need to just give me some time.”

“Just tell him you’ve changed your mind and you want your passport back – all your things.”

“But you’re not listening. Even if I leave here with you right now, it won’t solve the important fact that I’m an illegal immigrant and I’m not supposed to be in this country.”

“I know, but listen, my sister’s in Texas at the moment, working on a big project off the coast of Matagorda Bay – she’s a marine biologist.”

“Is she?”

“Yeah. Anyway, she’s got a friend who works in immigration at the Dallas field office who she’s been getting friendly with recently, so I was thinking maybe he might be able to help with your visa application.”

Samira’s face lit up. “Your sister has a friend in immigration?”

“Yeah. She’s always traveling the world with her job and this guy and her have become close, if you know what I mean? Clara can wrap men around her little finger. I’m meeting her for coffee later so let me talk to her okay. Hey, tell you what, you should come into town too – I’d love you two to meet.”

“That would be awesome. And I’d love to meet your sister, but I’m not really supposed to leave the ranch without Mr. Langdon’s permission – he says it’s for my own safety – in case the immigration people catch up with me. There’s been this guy following me around for the last few weeks. That’s who I thought you were.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen him. Why’s he following you?”

“I’m not sure – Mr. Langdon can be a bit short-tempered if I ask too many questions, so I haven’t gotten up the courage to ask yet. I think maybe he’s employing him to make sure I don’t leave or speak to anyone who might jeopardize my visa application. Like a private investigator, you know? I’ve been here for six months, so I’m not sure why Langdon’s suddenly gotten paranoid and possessive. M

aybe he heard you were back in town.” She chuckled and hugged him.

He held her close, knowing she was just joking. Ivan was technically dead in the eyes of most people, so surely Mr. Langdon – whoever he was – wouldn’t be expecting him? He couldn’t be.

“Alright,” Ivan said. “Don’t worry – we’ll smuggle you out of here when we go meet my sister. You, me, and our gorgeous son are going to be together – in America, I promise you that – nothing is coming between us now… or ever again.”

Chapter Seven

Ivan had arranged to meet Clara in a small town between Laredo and the Texas coast, so Samira asked Lola to watch Quin, then she got comfy in the passenger seat of Ivan’s truck – and this one thankfully had air-conditioning. They chatted during the hour-long drive about Quin’s development, and Samira was thrilled that Ivan was already so in love with their little boy.

Ivan glanced in his rear-view mirror as they cruised down the freeway. “Our friend in the BMW’s still following. I wonder if I can shake him off.”

“Don’t do anything stupid please.”