She snuggled into his gorgeous chest, unable to stop smiling. There was a whole other world out there, but for now – in this little stable – the entire universe existed for only for them. She grinned. Was she really lying in Ivan’s arms? She lifted her hand and pinched his nipple to check.

“Ow!” He chuckled, grabbing her fingers.

“I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.”

“Aren’t you supposed to pinch yourself?”

She propped herself up on her elbows. “Sorry.”

He reached out and ran his fingers through her hair, removing a piece of straw. “I’m so glad to have you back, Samira… I can’t even begin to tell you...”

Samira bit her lip and sat up. “Ivan, we can’t just pick up where we left off.”

“Why? I know you still love me. Every problem is always solvable – that’s what I’ve always said. It’s the Quinlan family motto.”

“Even if the solution means faking your own death?”

“I’m so sorry I put you through that, but I feared for your life, Samira. I honestly felt it was the best thing to do.”

“Well, now I’m facing deportation. My college course was the only reason I was allowed to stay in America. Mr. Langdon offered me a lifeline so I took it.”

“But you can marry me now. I’ll make sure you don’t get kicked out the country.”

Samira sighed. “I want to, Ivan – believe me, I’ve never wanted anything more than you. But it’s complicated.”

She reached out for her dress, trying to harden herself against the glorious aftermath of their love making that was still tingling between them. “I think you should leave. My priorities have changed now. I need to marry Mr. Langdon or I’ll be deported from America, and I need to stay here.”

“You don’t actually love him, do you?”

She stared at him. “No, Ivan. You’re etched in my heart forever, and I doubt I’ll ever love another man as I love you. But there’s someone else in my life who must take priority now.”

His face flashed with possessive envy. “Who?”

She stood and pulled on her clothes. “Come with me. There’s someone you need to meet.”

Chapter Six

The sun shone down on Ivan and Samira as they strolled across the ranch toward the staff cottages. Now that Samira had switched Ivan’s soul back on, he realized how stunning this place was – how amazing nature was. With her in his life, everything shone with a childlike haze. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d heard the birds singing so sweetly. He was from Upstate New York, and the only birds he usually heard were seagulls squawking over the rubbish dump – and that was only when the noise of the traffic quietened down enough.

He smiled contentedly. There were no traffic sounds around here. No honking horns or high-speed trains. This Laredo ranch was tranquil, and he could see why Samira loved it. The air smelt clean and rural, and he allowed himself to feel happier than he’d felt in a very long time.

He had no idea why she was bringing him out here to the little log cabins where his fellow ranch hands lived, but as far as he was concerned, now they were back together, she should leave with him as soon as possible. He understood she’d want to say a proper goodbye and thank you to Mr. Langdon for giving her shelter and an offer of a marriage of convenience, but it was clear she didn’t have any feelings for the guy. And she definitely needed to get out of whatever shady deals he was running.

Ivan glanced at her as they walked. He wanted to hold her hand or put his arm around her, but he refrained for now, knowing she wouldn’t want to make Langdon look stupid in front of his staff. “So what was in that suitcase, huh?” he asked.

“What would you guess?”

“Well, let’s see. We’re close to the Mexican border, and items are being exchanged in a secluded location in unmarked suitcases by desperate illegal immigrants… What could that imply? Let me think…”

She winced guiltily. “The truth is, I don’t know for sure. And I don’t want to know. I feel ashamed for getting involved in smuggling anything across the border, but Mr. Langdon only expects me to do it once a week. It’s the least I can do after all he’s done for me.”

“So you don’t ask any questions and he doesn’t give you any answers?”

“Something like that. It’s all I’m expected to do, and for that I get to stay in America and live on this beautiful ranch.”

“And if the cops ever stopped you? Wanted to take a look in your car?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know.”