She gazed out the window and hugged herself, feeling content and ‘at one’. But – as always – thoughts of her impending letter from the immigration department drifted into her mind.

She sighed, trying to put it aside – there was nothing she could do at the moment, and she was delighted that both Langdon and Andreas were safely behind bars. It’d been a stressful couple of months, but now it was over and she could start building her life in America… if they let her stay.

Ivan’s gorgeous voice pulled her out of her thoughts. “Hey, daydreamer. Quin’s sleeping soundly… time for mommy and daddy to play…”

She grinned as her body washed with love and affection. He came up behind her and nuzzled her neck, kissing her with his wonderful lips.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you, too.” He held an envelope in front of her. “And this letter just came for you.”

Her heart pounded with terror as she realized that the return address was from the immigration department. She took it with quivering hands, then glanced up at Ivan. His expression was cool and caring.

She chewed her lip nervously. “You open it.”

“We’ll open it together.”

He wrapped her in his arms, and she tore open the envelope. This was infinitely more terrifying than the day she’d received her exam results… the information within this envelope could ruin her life – or make her dreams come true. With shaking fingers, she pulled out the flimsy piece of paper, on which her future was written. She closed her eyes, then unfolded it quickly – like ripping off a Band-Aid.

“You read it, Ivan.”

He read it silently, then he sighed heavily, causing her heart to sink. Shit… she’d obviously failed. Her mind raced with what she should do next. Maybe they could appeal? Or Ivan could move with her to wherever she was allowed to go. But whatever happened next, this was terrible news…

Ivan’s voice was steady and low. “It says…”


“It says, Samira Quinlan… you are allowed to stay in America indefinitely!”

Her eyes sprung open. “Really!”

“Yep! You can work, pay taxes… you can even apply for citizenship. How about that, babe – you could apply to be an American citizen!”

Samira leaned into him, feeling as if her knees might give way. “Oh my god – this is awesome!”

“It’s perfect – just like you.”

She threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly and trying to let this fantastic information sink in.

Ivan dropped the letter to the floor and kissed her hard. “We should celebrate.”

“Yes,” she said. “I’ll call your parents and see if they’d like to come over. Also we can ask your brothers too. And their partners…”

His expression froze with worry. Samira burst into laughter. “I’m joking. Come on, lover, let’s go to bed.”

She started to lead him by the hand toward the bedroom, but he picked her up in his arms and carried her like a movie star, making her squeal with excitement.

He dropped her down on the king-sized bed, then showered her with kisses – caressing her breasts, ass, and back with his strong commanding hands. She braced herself for some seriously sexy celebrating…

Ivan pulled her T-shirt off over her head, then unclasped her bra and flung it to the floor, before stripping off his own shirt to reveal his gorgeous body.

“Lie down,” he said. “I want you at my mercy…”

She grinned and positioned herself on the fluffy pillow, waiting to discover what thrills were in store.

Ivan positioned himself between her thighs and leaned forward to suck her nipple, sending delightful jolts of pleasure into her body. She arched her back and pushed herself into him, enjoying being attended to by her gorgeous man. He glanced up, and they grinned into each other’s eyes, then he reached down and pushed up her skirt, running his fingers over her thigh and circling the silky material of her panties – which was quickly becoming wet. She gasped as his masterful fingers probed inside her panties, causing her body to shudder with desire.

He gazed at her with those sparkling eyes. “I need to taste you.”