
Feeling content after a hearty breakfast, Samira stood by the front door, saying goodbye to Ivan and Jake. Mr. and Mrs. Quinlan were bonding with Quin in the kitchen, pretending that their sons weren’t heading off into danger – and not really asking too many questions.

Ivan clutched the suitcase of cocaine in his hands as he and Jake loitered on the doorstep. Everyone was trying to pretend this was just a casual trip back to Texas, but Samira knew it was potentially dangerous. Mr. Langdon had confessed he was a killer – and would do it again. She trusted that Ivan could take care of himself, but she couldn’t bear the thought of losing him now she’d only just found him.

She kissed him. “Don’t let Langdon hurt you. I want you back here tonight.”

He wrapped her in his arms. “I’ll be back before you know it, sweetheart. Just take care of our little boy for me. I’ll bring you your passport and then we can make sure you can stay in this country – and perhaps we can extend our family...”

“I’d like that.” She glanced at Jake. “Please take care of my husband.”

Jake chuckled kindly. “I think he can take care of himself, Samira. Come on, Ivan. Let’s go confront that motherfucker.”

Samira watched them leave in the taxi for the local airfield – where they were going to ask Adam’s pilot to fly them to Texas. She closed the door, then strolled back to the kitchen, where Mrs. Quinlan was holding Quin on her lap, looking utterly smitten by her grandchild.

Samira sat down and poured some coffee from the jug.

“Did they get off okay??

?? Mr. Quinlan asked.

“Yeah. They’ll both be back tonight. I hope.”

“You can trust Ivan,” Mrs. Quinlan said. “He won’t let anything happen – not now he’s got you and this little one to take care of.”

Samira frowned. Did Mrs. Quinlan know they were doing something more dangerous than they’d let on? She had been married to Quinlan Senior during his shady past, so maybe…

Joseph sipped his coffee. “Adam and Amy should be in Hawaii by now.”

Ellie glanced out the window – the rain had started pouring hard. “Lucky them. I’d love a vacation.”

“We should all go away,” Mr. Quinlan said. “The whole family together.” He smiled at Quin in his wife’s arms. “All three generations of Quinlans.”

“Including long-lost brothers,” Ellie said with a grin.

“That sounds wonderful,” Mrs. Quinlan said. “Samira, where would you like to go?”

Samira smiled contentedly. “I’m happy right here and now with my wonderful new family.”

Joseph held her in his warm gaze. “You’re a great addition to the family, Samira.”

“Thank you. I must admit I was worried I wouldn’t fit in. I know it sounds crazy, but I thought you all hated me.”

“How could we hate you, darling?” Mrs. Quinlan asked. “You’re adorable. It’s wonderful to have a new daughter. And this little cherub – who I love with all my heart.”

She tickled Quin, making him jiggle his body with excitement.

“Well, Ivan said you're quite a traditional family,” Samira explained. “And I know I’m not exactly, um… like that.”

Mrs. Quinlan smiled maternally. “We're only traditional in the sense that we embrace the traditional values of loyalty, honesty, and being the best we can. We're not puritans or anything. In fact, don't tell Ivan but – she flicked a flirty glance at her husband – we had to get married in a hurry, didn't we darling.”

Mr. Quinlan grinned. The others cheered and whooped at this revelation.

“I bet you were so beautiful on your wedding day,” Samira said. “Do you have any photos?”

“Sure,” Mrs. Quinlan said. “Here, take Quin – I’ll go get them.”

Samira stood. “It’s okay – you look so lovely with him. I’ll get them. Where are they?”