The world rushed with pure joy, and she free-falled over the edge of delight. He thrust harder and faster as she came, then he tensed and came deep inside her – pushing her firmly against the wall and enveloping her completely in his warm sticky body – so she was totally possessed by Ivan Quinlan… and she loved it.

She was struck with one final wave of overwhelming bliss, then she slowly drifted back to earth as the post-orgasmic fizzes crackled all over her body.

She felt euphorically drunk. With her eyes closed, she could feel his gaze studying her blissful expression, so she smiled for him. “That was amazing.” She slowly opened her eyes. “You’re amazing.”

He kissed her tenderly on the forehead. “I’m so in love with you.”

“Me too.”

He withdrew, then helped her stand back down on the carpet, where she stumbled into him – still half in the orgasmic aftermath. “Let’s go lie down. Then once we’ve recovered, I’ll fuck you again.”

She laughed at his candor.

They lay on the bed together, and she snuggled into his arms, kissing his chest – which was sticky and sweet from the cake.

She traced her finger around his nipple and fell serious. “Be careful going back to Langdon’s. He must know by now we’ve got his coke.”

He caressed her face. “You don’t need to worry about me, sweetheart. I’ll go first thing – after breakfast. I’ll give him the coke, get your passport, and be back before dinner. What could possibly go wrong?”

Chapter Twenty-Four

Breakfast at the Quinlan’s was an impressive event – the homey kitchen buzzed with happiness and excitement, even before the ‘wake-up’ coffee had been served. Mrs. Quinlan made far too much food, and everyone tucked into pancakes, bacon, maple syrup, and an array of pastries – despite there only being seven people staying here now that Adam and Amy had gone off on their honeymoon, and Sarah, Dylan, and Clara had left first thing for various reasons.

Thank goodness yesterday had been so sunny for Adam and Amy, because today the storm clouds were gathering overhead and the sky was grey. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and Samira was sure the rain was going to pour all day once it started.

But the weather wasn’t important. Samira felt cozy – part of the family – as she sat at the breakfast table, chatting with Ivan, Jake, Joseph, Ellie, and the senior Quinlans about life, politics, and everything in between. Quin was sitting on her lap, banging a spoon on the table, which seemed to make Jake wince with each blow.

She wrested the spoon out of his little fist. “Sorry, Jake. I guess you’re not used to having a six-month baby around?”

“Nope. I’m not really a baby kinda guy.”

“We’ll soon change that,” Ivan said. He stood up and drew his son into his arms, then he stepped around to where Jake was sitting. “Here… just sit with him on your lap.”

“Oh… er…” Jake reluctantly opened his stance and allowed Ivan to place the giggling six-month-old in his arms. Jake was tense to begin with, but he made eye contact with his nephew and slowly relaxed. “He’s pretty cute I guess.”

“He’ll melt anyone’s heart,” Mrs. Quinlan said. “The girls will be beating a path to his door when he’s older.”

“He’s gorgeous,” Joseph said, glancing at Ellie.

She smirked. “You’ll have to wait a little longer, Joseph Quinlan. I’m in the middle of writing an exclusive story for the newspaper.”

The others chuckled.

“No hurry,” Joseph said kissing her.

Love and pride swirled in Samira’s heart as Jake drew Quin a little bit closer and relaxed a little more.

“So what’s everyone’s plans for today?” Mr. Quinlan asked, shoveling a forkful of pancake into his mouth. “Taking it easy and having some time out?”

Ivan and Samira exchanged a glance. “Actually,” Ivan said. “Samira’s going to stay here with you guys, while me and Jake head back to Texas on Adam’s jet to get Samira’s passport back.”

Mr. Quinlan gazed blankly at him. “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. She needs it you see. If she wants to stay in the country. Clara’s friend in immigration can help, but only if we get her passport back.”

Mrs. Quinlan opened her mouth to reply, but Jake chuckled and everyone looked at him as he jigged Quin on his knee. “He is adorable,” Jake conceded.

“We’ll be back tonight, okay,” Ivan said. “You’ll hardly even know we’re gone.”