Joseph frowned. “Double-crossing? He seems really decent to me. I think you might’ve misjudged him, Ivan. I get the feeling all he wanted was a family.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

Ivan and Samira drifted back inside and strolled over to where Jake was chatting with his reunited mom. She looked shell-shocked from the revelation and she was crying, but Jake was comforting her, with his arms tightly around her, trying to make her feel better. Ivan knew he could’ve easily started demanding apologies for what had happened and upsetting everyone around him, but he was staying calm and behaving like an adult. Perhaps Joseph was right and he was a decent guy under all that smug private detective bullshit.

Ivan gazed around the room and saw that his father was deep in conversation with Clara. His dad’s expression was plastered with agitated worry – he clearly wasn’t taking the news as well as his wife.

Jake noticed Ivan and Samira, and excused himself from Mrs. Quinlan, coming over to join them. “Hey… well, that could’ve been handled better.”

“Jake, I’m sorry I outed you like that. I honestly had no intention to. You know I wanted to keep this a secret until I found out what sort of person you were.”

“It’s okay, Ivan. It’s awesome to finally get the chance to meet my mom. My real mom. Your family – I mean our family – are so friendly and welcoming. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do. But there’s plenty of time.”

“Yeah… actually, you and me are leaving for Texas first thing in the morning.”

Jake laughed. “Oh right. Off to finish what we started, huh?”

“Yeah. Our youngest brother’s not only a musical genius, but he’s pretty with-it when it comes to smarts too.”

They glanced over at Joseph, who was now kissing Ellie passionately.

“Looks like someone’s in for a fun night,” Jake said.

“I hope so,” Samira said, smiling at Ivan. She gazed at Jake. “And what about you Jake? Any romance in your life?”

He scoffed. “Nah. The only person I love is the guy I see in the mirror on those rare occasions I bother to shave.”

Samira squeezed him on the arm affectionately. “There’s someone out there for everyone. Even a tough guy like you.”

Jake opened his mouth to argue, but Mr. Quinlan strode over, looking upset.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve showing up like this without warning.”

Jake’s friendly expression morphed to anger. “Hey, you’ve got a lot of nerve exchanging me for your freedom – even though you were blatantly breaking the law and should’ve been punished accordingly.”

“Now, listen her

e you little piece of shit, I don’t know who you think you are, but–”

Ivan put out his hands to prevent a punch up. “Dad, please stop it. Jake, maybe you should go.”

Mr. Quinlan’s eyes welled with tears. “How do you think this is affecting your mother, huh?”

Ivan glanced over. “She looks happier than I’ve ever seen her.”

“Don’t you cheek me, Ivan. This man may be genetically related to us, but his upbringing would’ve made him sour. Just like his old man.”

Jake gazed blankly at Mr. Quinlan. “You’re my old man.”

“You know who I mean. That asshole who forced me to choose between my freedom and my family. You think you can just waltz back in here and drag up the past again?”

Samira stepped forward. “Mr. Quinlan, please don’t think I’m speaking out of line, but Jake had nothing to do with what happened when he was a baby. I know you’re upset right now, but I wonder if you’re more upset with yourself than Jake.”

He stared at her for what seemed like an eternity. Then his face softened. “Of course I’m upset with myself, Samira. You think I haven’t spent the last twenty-four years upset with myself?”

“But now Jake’s here,” Samira said, smiling gently. “And this is your chance to talk to him about what happened. So he can understand. But don’t push him away... I’d give anything to see my parents again. I know what it feels like to be separated from my family. It’s horrible…”

Mr. Quinlan looked at his shoes, then he shifted to gaze at Jake. “I guess she’s right.”