Chapter Twenty-One

Rays of light streamed in through the stained-glass windows, casting colorful beams over the congregation, and making everything sparkle with hope and joy. This huge modern church was light and airy – which was a complete contrast to Samira’s melancholy mood. She willed herself to cheer up – to enjoy this happy day – but she felt as if she didn’t belong here. Even dressed in this expensive silk gown that Clara had so generously loaned her, she felt trashy with her bleach-blonde hair and working-class background.

This wedding ceremony was so different to hers in Las Vegas… this was the sort of wedding Ivan deserved.

Amy looked perfect in her ivory wedding dress, drifting down aisle with her father by her side, gliding toward the altar to take her place next to Adam – who looked dashing in his suit.

Ivan looked gorgeous in his suit too, sitting next to Samira with Quin on his lap. Samira definitely preferred him dressed like this – powerful and stylish – compared to the cowboy look. He was the epitome of suave and sophisticated – apart from the fact that his stubble was growing back, making him look rugged and sexy. Samira adored her man. But everything about this lavish marriage ceremony reminded her of how inadequate she was – of how she was dragging Ivan down.

All the other girlfriends were glamorous, intellectual, and sophisticated. Sarah was the owner of a soccer team back in London – and she had a background in hotel management. Amy worked for Quinlan Brothers, and was doing really well. And Ellie was making a career for herself as a journalist. Samira was pleased for them, because they were all lovely. But what was her specialty? What did she bring to the Quinlan clan? She was an illegal immigrant, who’d accidentally got pregnant, and had then become a drug mule for a guy who – apparently – now wanted her dead.

Up at the front, Dylan – as best man – handed over the rings and Amy and Adam began their vows. Samira tried to concentrate, but she was furious with herself for letting Langdon dupe her like that. Really, it was his double-crossing treachery that was behind her low mood. What would her new in-laws think if they ever found out what she’d really been up to on that ranch? But she’d just wanted the best for her son – surely they’d understand?

She glanced down at Quin who was wriggling in Ivan’s arms and trying to grab Samira’s long hair – as he often did. She made eye contact with her little boy, automatically grinning at him. He giggled, melting her heart with pure love. Then she realized Quin wasn’t the only one looking at her. She glanced up and saw her wonderful husband gazing at her too – instead of watching his brother get married, as he should’ve been.

They gazed into each other’s eyes, then Ivan winked, leaving Samira quivering inside. A wink from Ivan made everything okay. He had the most captivating smile and gorgeous brown eyes – which sparkled with a deep sincere affection for her. When Ivan looked at her, it was as if he was touching her soul with nourishing goodness.

He hitched Quin up in his arms and mouthed to Samira, “I love you.”

Samira’s chest filled with honey-thick delight. “Me too,” she whispered.

He reached out and held her hand, smiling into her eyes with promises of a secure future together.

“I do,” Adam said at the front. And then he kissed Amy passionately and everyone applauded.


The wedding reception was being held at Mohonk Mountain House – a prestigious and expensive luxury spa resort in New York’s Hudson Valley. The grand hall inside the Victorian-era castle was tastefully decorated and crammed full of friends and family wearing bright colors and expensive clothing. The music was modern, and the atmosphere buzzed with excitement. Everyone was here to celebrate the union of Adam and Amy – especially those who never would’ve believed Adam Quinlan would get married unless they saw it with their own eyes.

Ivan strolled back into the huge space now, having just been up to check on Quin in the hotel room they’d hired for the day, where his old babysitter – Mrs. Bowden – had agreed to watch over him. The atmosphere hit him like a burst of happiness, which was enhanced by the uplifting music, disco lights, and wall-to-wall chatter. Large round tables had been positioned at the edges of the room, leaving the middle free for dancing, and Ivan hoped to get the chance to dance with his beautiful wife later. There was a three-tier wedding cake at the end of the room, which Adam and Amy would cut soon – but for now they were mingling with their guests, enjoying their moment of feeling like celebrities.

Ivan cast his gaze around the throng of the several hundred guests, and picked out Dylan – who was standing alone rehearsing his best man’s speech to himself. He looked nervous, but Ivan knew he’d do a great job – he was used to giving business presentations to roomfuls of powerful investors. Charming his nearest and dearest would be easy for him.

Ivan was pleased at how smoothly the ceremony had gone for Adam and Amy – they’d put so much time, energy, and money into getting everything just right. And they’d been up early this morning, organizing the final touches. Ivan had also been up early this morning, shopping with Clara for a surprise for Samira, which he planned to give her later, but at the moment, he was full of energy and ready to celebrate.

Ivan noticed that Jake and Clara were chatting at one of the tables, engrossed in a conversation. Jake was making Clara laugh, which was truly a talent – she could be so uptight at times. It was heartwarming to see them getting along so well, even though Clara was still clueless as to who Jake actually was.

Ivan knew Jake would be itching to tell her the truth, and he wondered whether non-identical twins shared the same psychic connections that identical twins did. Clara laughed again, making Ivan smile. It was great to see her enjoying herself. It’d been so long since she’d seemed this relaxed – she was too into her job to care about much else. She was a typical Quinlan…

Ivan’s thoughts alighted on what the hell he was going to do with the suitcase of cocaine. He needed to get rid of it before anyone discovered it – before people possibly started getting killed. It was safe under the bed in his childhood bedroom for now, but obviously it couldn’t stay there. How did you go about disposing of a suitcase full of coke?

He was also wondering how they were going to get Samira’s passport back. They needed it urgently if she stood any chance of being allowed to stay in the country, and he was pretty sure Langdon wasn’t just going to hand it over. But Ivan was determined to get it back and to fight for her citizenship. He loved her, and he knew all his family loved her too. She still wasn’t convinc

ed, but she just needed some time to get her confidence back. She’d been through a lot recently – he’d put her through a lot. And it was time to prove to her that she belonged in the Quinlan clan.

His gazed scanned around the room, and his heart filled up with tender love as he spotted his beautiful wife strolling onto the dancefloor with Joseph. They held hands loosely as they danced together, and Joseph raised his arm for Samira to twirl under. It was great to see her so free – moving her gorgeous body in time to the music and relishing the chance to dance with the rockstar who other women paid thousands to dance with at charity auctions. Samira stumbled into Joseph and he caught her, then they both laughed. Ivan’s cock twitched in his pants and he calmed his possessive caveman instincts. She was only dancing – and why not? Maybe Joe could warm her up for him…

“He has that effect on Amy too,” Adam said, appearing at Ivan’s side with a glass of Champagne in his hand. “But I always tease her by telling her what he was like as a toddler.”

Ivan laughed. “Thanks for the tip – I’ll try that.”

Tension buckled in the air between the brothers. Adam still hadn’t apologized for his behavior toward Samira yesterday, and truthfully Ivan was still a little pissed with him. He didn’t want to make a big deal on his wedding day, though, so he forced himself to be civil.

“Congratulations, man. The ceremony was perfect. Amy looks beautiful.”

“Thanks, Ivan. I’m the luckiest guy alive – although I guess you probably think the same now you’ve found Samira.” They shared a smile. “Listen, I wanted to apologize for what I said yesterday. I was jittery about today and I said some stupid shit that I shouldn’t have said. But she’s perfect for you. I really like her.”

“Thanks, Adam. Look, I know you didn’t mean what you said, but I think it’s knocked her confidence. She thinks the family don’t like her.”