“Shut the fuck up… I’m trying to think.”

Jake shot his brother an insolent look. “Pardon me for fucking breathing.”

Ivan sighed. “Listen, Jake, I’m going to need to see proof before I believe any of this. I don’t want you upsetting my family.” He leaned toward him, tensing his muscles. “I’m warning you now – stay away from my parents until I give you permission to contact them. Alright?”

Jake’s expression remained impassive. “Actually, we’ve got more pressing concerns than that.”

“Oh yeah, and what would that be?”

“I’ll be blunt here. Are you and Mrs. Langdon having a relationship?”

Samira shook her head. “I’m not really married to Mr. Langdon.”

“Oh? Well anyway,

whoever you are… I think Langdon has something sinister planned.”

Samira planted her feet on the dusty ground. “Like what?”

“I’m not sure yet. I’ve been suspicious ever since he hired me. Hey, how about we go somewhere and talk.” Jake smirked. “I need to know how much you’re planning to pay me to help you investigate Langdon. I know your family’s worth a lot of money, Ivan. And I gather Mrs. Langdon means a lot to you, right? I bet you’ll pay me pretty well to turn double agent, won’t you?”

Ivan gazed at him in disbelief. “Wait… after this little family reunion you’re telling me all you want is a good price to help us?”

He shrugged. “My dad left me with a lot of debts and I need to pay them off. So how much will you pay me to spy on Mr. L for you?”

“Nothing,” Ivan said. “Because we’re leaving Texas and never fucking coming back.”

“He’s got my passport, Ivan,” Samira said. “I need it back before we can leave.”

Jake raised an eyebrow. “Maybe you can pay me extra to locate it for you?”

Ivan growled. “Blackmailing’s really in your blood, isn’t it?”

“Not my blood, Ivan. My blood’s Quinlan blood – just like yours. I know Joseph is on an anti-drugs campaign at the moment after his bandmate overdosed. Wouldn’t it be a shame if the press found out about Quinlan Senior’s criminal drug connections – I mean, how stupid would that make Joseph look? Perhaps the press might even find out about Mrs. Langdon’s involvement with those other dealers, huh?”

“Stop calling her Mrs. Langdon.” Ivan shook his head. “You’re really a lowlife, Jake, you know that?”

“Yeah, unlike you, I had a tough childhood.”

“Fine, if it’s money you want, then that’s what you’ll get. But I’m serious about this: do not approach my family until I’ve found out what kind of person you are. I’m already beginning to realize you’re an asshole – they don’t need you showing up and shattering their world.”

Jake chuckled. “They should’ve thought of that before they did what they did to me.”

Ivan grabbed him. “You stay away from them, or I’ll kick the shit out of you. Understand?”

Jake smirked. “Sure, whatever you say. My lips are sealed. Now what’s this about a passport?”

Chapter Twelve

With the windows wound down and the sun beating hard on the roof, Ivan skidded the truck to a halt in the driveway of the ranch, feeling as if his whole world had shifted in an instant. He couldn’t believe he had another brother. How cool was that?

He smiled at Samira. “Well that was a fucking turn up, huh?”

She chuckled. “It was.”

“He seems like an asshole, though. Pretty mercenary.”

She shrugged. “Understandable after what he’s been through. Sounds like he’s had a hard time.”