Toby smirks and waves his hand George's way. “Yes, yes. Santa says go ahead.”

“As I wassayin', this Christmas would not be as memorable or as special without havin' all of y'all here with us to celebrate. I'm so glad that I messaged Ruthie all those months ago and that you're all here now,” George says, his voice thick with emotion before he clears his throat and continues. “So, with that in mind, please raise your mugs as we toast to new friends, old traditions, and the spirit of Christmas that y'all brought with you to Rainbow Springs.”

“Here, Here,” we reply in unison, the sound ringing out in the stillness of the cold snowy night.

I lean my head against Colt's chest, relishing the warmth of his body and listening to the steady beat of his heart as he presses a tender kiss to the top of my head.

“I love you, Leah Roberts.”

Turning in his arms, I melt against him and tip my face up to his. “Love you forever, Colton Roberts.”

Then, under the stars and feeling like we're the only two people on earth, my husband kisses me gently.

Toby might've won the trophy, but the biggest prize of all is this—us.



December 24

I woke up this morning feeling like a kid at Christmas–literally.

A knock at the door bright and early starts the day. When I go to greet whoever's there, I find Austin and Landry standing on my porch with matching grins.

“We're here to escort you to the festivities,” Landry announces.

I frown. “But I thought we were all meetin' at the town square at noon?”

Austin shakes his head. “Change of plans. Or more like, we made different plans and you don't know about them yet. But you will. All we need is for you to get ready and leave the rest to us.”

Since this entire week has shown me that the men and women from Spring Haven are some of the best, most selfless, and giving people I've ever met, I don't think twice.

Fifteen minutes later, we're driving into town, coming to a stop outside the storage shed behind the town's main building. Ifigure we're here to grab last-minute things for the festival, I don't expect to see Toby and Dee walk out.

Better still, is the delightful sight of Toby Graham already dressed in his Santa suit.

“You look amazingly festive there, Tobes,” I say by way of a greeting.

“Just you wait, Georgie,” he says. “Hey, can you grab the Santa sack from the shed for me?

“Sure thing, Santa.” I walk into the shed and find the overflowing sack filled with wrapped presents for the kids. Ialsosee that the gifts have been placed inside the most exquisite wooden sleigh I have ever seen.

It's painted a vibrant red and glittering silver, adorned with twinkling fairy lights that dance in the morning sunlight streaming in. Unable to help myself, I run my hand along the smooth wood, marveling at the intricate carvings of snowflakes and reindeer that embellish its sides. Where this came from, whoever made this, is gifted beyond compare.

“Surprise!” Landry exclaims, clapping me on the back. “We figured Santa needed a proper ride this year, and what better than Austin here handcraftin’ a sleigh for this special occasion?”

“Youmadethis?” I say, turning to Austin.

He shrugs. “It's not much given the time constraints, but?—”

Without thinking, I rush to give him a big bear hug. “It'severythin'! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

“Glad you like it,” Austin says, his voice a little hoarse. “Makes all the late nights worth it.”

“I don't know how I'm ever goin' to thank you all for this. All I did was write a letter and suddenly all my Christmas dreams have come true.”

“No need to thank us, George. It's our pleasure,” Landry replies. “Everyone deserves to celebrate the holidays just how they want to. You wished for the full Christmas experience, and that's what you're goin' to get.”