A loud sigh escapes him. “Ugh. OK.”

“Don't worry, Austin. I'll get you another one,” Aggie calls out to the amusement of the crowd.

“Um…guys…” George's voice is somewhat higher than usual. All eyes dart to where he isnow having a stare-off with Duck Norris. “How are we supposed togetthe candy apple uphere?”

“Don't you worry 'bout that, George.” Austin holds up his sweet 'bait' and waves it above his head. “Hey Doofus, remember me?”


Austin nods. “Yeah, buddy. I've got a tasty little morsel of sugary goodness down here for you.”


“Yep. All for you. I want to share it with you. All you've got to do is come down here and get it,” Austin continues.

Duck Norris bounces on his one webbed foot, shaking the tree a little and making everyone hold their breath. He eyes the offered ware with his beady eyes—although what direction he's looking in, nobody knows. It's as if he's weighing up his options, cause havoc and delay the tree from being finished or get a tasty snack.

Suddenly, with a loud quack and a flap of his wings, Duck Norris launches himself off the top of the tree and swoops down toward the offered candy apple. Austin barely has time to react before the bird snatches it from his hand and flies off into the distance, somehow quacking all the way and leaving a trail of feathers in his wake.

“Well, now. Let's get back to what we're all here for. George,” Toby calls out to the now smiling town mayor. “Take it away.”

“Not sure I can topthattopper,” George says cheekily. “But I'll give it a good ol' Rainbow Springs go.” He quickly unwraps his creation before a huge gasp escapes the crowd.

“How?” Aggie breathes.

“There's noway…” Dottie murmurs.

“That's amazin', George,” Frankie calls out.

I'm speechless. Now I know why George Rainbow is smiling so wide.

It's because his home-crafted Christmas tree topper—the one he's been keeping a secret all week— is none other than a Duck Norrisgnome!Complete with crossed eyes and one leg and there's even a Santa hat on top of his head.

“It's perfect,” I say as we all break out in applause. “Absolutely perfect.”

George carefully climbs down the ladder before moving to stand next to Toby again.

“And now, the moment you've all been waitin' for—” Toby looks at George who nods back at him, “let's light it up!”

A second later Landry flicks the switch and the whole tree sparks to life, the icicle-shaped light globes that wrap around the tree from the ground up to the Duck gnome top shining like a beacon of hope across the entire town square.

I stand there for a good long while as others mill around me, marveling at the warm fuzzy feeling in my chest. I watch George talk animatedly to Harry, Larry, Gary, and Cary as Delly, Kelly, Mellie, and Jane ooh and aah over the decorations.

Then there's my granddaughter and our found family from Bull Mountain who all look as happy as I am.

Suddenly, this crazy idea to give my pen pal the gift of Christmas doesn't seem that crazy after all. Not when such a simple easy act can bring so much joy to everyone. Even the grinchiest Grinch wouldn't be able to resist the festive feelings filling the air around town right now.

“You're a good woman, Ruthie,” Mags says, appearing next to me with her husband in tow.

“I just did what anyone else would do given the chance,” I reply.

“But it's not just anyone who asked us to come here. To give this gift to a much deservin' man and much deservin' town,” Red adds. “Glad we can be a part of it too.”

I arch a brow his way. “Weren't you the one complainin' about never wantin' to see another bow again?”

He chuckles and shakes his head. “Guilty as charged. Doesn't mean I ain't feelin' just how much this means to everyone.”

“Hmm. You're just lookin' forward to your surprise from George and the Arry's tonight, aren't you?” I muse.