“Thank you,” Austin mouths at Mags, earning a wink in return. “Charlie, Lee, Colt, you want to come find the Rainbow Springs Christmas tree with us?”
They all nod.
“OK. It sounds like we've all got our assignments. Are we gonna get to it?” I say. “Santa's on a schedule, remember?”
“Anyone would thinkyou'reexcited Rhett,” Toby says with a knowing grin.
“Maybe I am, Tobes. Or maybe I'm plottin' to steal the role of Santa from you.”
He gasps. “Youwouldn't.”
Now I'm the one smirking. “If you hurry up, you won't have anythin' to worry about. Will ya?”
Wouldn't you know it, I think that's the fastest I've seen Tobes jump into action. Funny that.
By the time we start the trek to find the tree on Harry's land, light snow has started falling. It's made the woods and everything around us look even more magical, the snowflakes kissing the leaves, the branches, and even my eyelashes. I stop for a moment and hold out my hand, palm up, just long enough to catch a few on my glove.
“I swear, if I wasn't deliriously in love with Austin, I'd hope I was stuck in the middle of a small-town romance novel where the sexy lumberjack swept me off my feet,” I say, earning a giggle from Lee, a snort from Colt, chuckles from Harry and Larry and a growl from my One.
He's so disgruntled by my out-loud musings, that he stops walking, spins around on his boot heel and stalks back to where I am.
“Not sure Austin appreciates your imagination right now,” Lee stage whispers.
“Darling,” I say, hooking my arms around Austin's shoulders and melting into him. “You know the only trope I want is afriends-to-lovers, second chance, small-town rancher romance. And lucky for me, I'm already livin' it.” His lips twitch and his hands come to my hips. Because he's still holding his body tense, I push on. “So, you see, I don't need a book boyfriend because I have my own real-life one right here.”
“Sweet talker,” he murmurs, his eyes glued to my lips as I tilt my face up to his and bat my lashes at him.
“What are you goin' to do about it?” I say, tilting my head. I don't have to wonder longer because suddenly he's kissing me, and that says it all.
“How 'bout we get back to findin' this tree and gettin' it back to town in one piece?” Colt suggests with a laugh. “Plenty of time forthatlater.”
“Like we don't catch you and Lee neckin' all the time back home,” Austin shoots back. I look over at Lee who just laughs and shrugs, showing no shame.
“We're newlyweds,” she replies.
“Don't need any excuse to show my One some appreciation,” Colt adds.
“I think I've found it,” Larry hollers from up ahead where he and Harry have kept walking.
We rush to join him, Austin lacing his gloved fingers with mine as he leads the way.
When we reach them, I'm lost for words. That might be because the tree is alotbigger than the twelve feet Harry said it might be. It's so full and bushy, it's like the most perfect Christmas tree in the world was put right there just for us to find it.
“George will love it,” I say, craning my neck to try and see the top. Newsflash - I can't.
“Oh, he sure will,” Harry agrees, beaming with pride. “This tree is a showstopper, ain't it?”
“It's magnificent,” Lee chimes in. “I can'twaitto see George's eyes light up when he sees this.”
Austin squeezes my hand and grins down at me. “It's going to look amazin' in the town square. Just what Rainbow Springs needs to get into the spirit of Christmas.”
“You know what?” Larry replies. “I think you're right 'bout that. This beauty is just what the doctor ordered.”
“Or what the gas station, hardware, convenience, gnomery store ownin' fire chief slash mayor wished for,” I muse.