When we drive past a 'Welcome to Rainbow Springs' sign shaped like a gnome, Star is already leaning forward in her seat, taking in everything there is to see about our new destination.

Having traveled a lot with the love of my life, I've realized that her nomadic roots are embedded deep. Her zest for adventure and exploring new places is both endearing and contagious, but one of the things I love most about my One is her big, giving heart.

“This place is so cute!” she gushes, turning her big hazel eyes my way. “There'ssomuch we can do to festivize the place.”

I'm unable to hold in my snort. “Festivize?”

“It's a word, I swear!” she protests with a playful swat on my arm. “Maybe we could get the Singin' Canary Christmas Sing-off champion to do some carolin' in the town square.”

“Not sure about that,” I chuckle. “Last night was a one-off.”

“Landry Graham, you have abeautifulsingin' voice and a talent thatmustbe shared.” She rubs her thumb over my cheek. “You blushin' is cute too.”

“I ain't blushin',” I grumble, but I don't shift away from her touch.

A giggle escapes her. “Cute you think that. But seriously, Lan. Think back to howourtown was lookin' when we left it yesterday, and now look at this place. It's a week until Santa comes and there ain't any decorations or anythin'. Not even a little bitty piece of tinsel or wreaths on the storefronts. Nothin'.”

“Spring Haven was the same last year before the Sallys decided to liven things up,” I add.

“Exactly! Just imagine how good this place is goin' to look by the time we're finished with it. This whole town is goin' to be decked out in so much red, white, and green that no one will say 'bah humbug' formiles!” she says excitedly.

I glance out the window at the quaint buildings along the sleepy main street. The whole town has a vintage feel to it but it's also a quintessential mountain town you drive through and want to stop in. One you'd see on a movie set—whether it's one of those rom-coms Star makes me watch or a horror movie, I'm not quite sure about yet.

“You know what I was thinkin'?” my beautiful wife says. “This whole little trip of ours would make a perfect holiday romance movie.”

My head snaps her way. “How do youdothat?”

Star's nose scrunches up as she studies me. “Do what?”

“Read my mind. I was just thinkin' that this place looks like a movie set.” I reach over to squeeze her hand. “Like the ones you make me watch every year from Thanksgivin' to Christmas.”

“What would the plot be if we were makin' a movie here I wonder…?” She looks out through the windshield. “Oooh. I know. A recently-single interior designer returns to her sleepy hometown in Rainbow Springs, Alaska…”

“To save her family's gnome business,” I add.

“Yes! And then she ends up fallin' in love with the rugged, yet charmin' local handyman who helps her bring the magic back to not only the town, but her shop called Gnome Sweet Gnome.” Star sags back into the passenger seat with a smile, her face turned my way. “This is just one of themillionreasons I love you. Just so you know.”

“Just amillion? I must be losin' my touch, darlin',” I drawl, loving the way my wife's eyes melt. “I can't count the number of reasons I love you. Because every single day, I fall in love with you a little bit more than the day before. And I can't wait to do it all again tomorrow, and next week, and next year and?—”

Star sighs and moves along the seat to cuddle into my side, resting her cheek against my arm. “You are the sweetest man I've ever met, you know that?”

Now I'm the one grinning because I feel ten feet tall and bulletproof with my One by my side. “Only that way because of you, Star. Now let's find this Gnomery so the fun can begin.”

That's when Star lifts and kisses my cheek before grabbing the walkie-talkie. “Christmas four callin' Sally Forth and all the Christmas trucks. Do you copy? Over.”

“Affirmative, Christmas Four,” Ruthie replies. “Sally Forth ready and waitin'.”

Star waits for the rest of the group to respond before continuing. “I think it's high time we get this show on the road so we can start spreadin' some much-needed Christmas cheer around Rainbow Springs. What do you say? Over.”

“Copy that, Christmas Four,” Lee's voice crackles through the handset. “Let's get this party started! Over.”

“How 'bout we start by headin' over to the Gas, Convenience, Post Office, Hardware Store, and Gnomery, get our cabin keys, and tell George about his surprise. Over,” Red suggests.

“Ready to meet your pen pal, Gramma, and give him a Christmas he'll never forget? Over,” Star asks over the airwaves.