Red snorts. “Did youhearthe name of George's shop? I think George Rainbow is a fan of words.”
“At least words he sends toRuthie,” Aggie stage whispers, making us all snicker. Gramma's eyes narrow on her best friend.
“George isjusta friend. I don't know how many times I have to say it.”
“OK, OK. I get it. Charlie and I used to befriendstoo,” Austin jibes.
Mags nods. “Red and I werebestfriends.”
“You're all a bunch of children,” Gramma mutters, making me laugh.
“It's fine, Gramma. I believe you,” I say, crossing the room to sit on the arm of her chair. “How about we just think of it as Bull Mountain saving Christmas.”
“I've got it,” Lee says, jumping to her feet.
All eyes snap to her, the room now so quiet you could hear a pin drop–or a duck quack.
“Quack. Quack. Quack,” I hear from outside.
“Dammit, it's as if sayin’ his name conjured Doofus up,” Mags groans. “Quick Lee, before the Dastardly Duck of the North ruins it.”
“Okay,” she says, puffing her chest out and taking a deep breath. “I now pronounce this year's holiday mission 'The Mountain that Saved Christmas,' but a less green, less grinchier version.”
“I like it,” Gramma says.
“Just remember I'm Santa. I'mnotgonna be the Christmas fairy. That'sLandry'sjob,” Toby calls out.
“Is not,” my normally mature husband shoots back.
“Is too,” Toby replies.
“Children…” both RhettandAustin growl at their brothers.
That's when Gramma and Aggie turn to each other and grin, and just seeing my beloved grandmother happy and knowing she really wants to give her friend the Christmas he's always dreamed of is enough of a gift for me.
And if it comes down to it,I'llbe the Christmas fairy, just the tie-dyed, crystal-wearing version.
December 18
We all gather outside the ranch house, our trucks full of decorations and presents, as we prepare to embark on our cross-state adventure.
Toby lets out a loud whistle. “As the official leader of this expedition–”
“Wait, who said that?” Rhett asks, quirking a brow.
“Gramma Ruthie did,” Toby states emphatically. “I'm Santa, and Santa is the center of Christmas celebrations. Therefore–”
“Technically he'snot, but that's up to whoever's doin' the celebratin',” Star says, lips twitching. “If you wanna be the leader though, I'm not gonna stop you.”
Toby puffs his chest out. “Good. Back to it. Since I'm the head of this Christmas crew and we're not havin' a Holly Jolly Cup rematch this year, I thought we could have a little fun of our own.”
That gets everyone's attention. We're a close bunch, but there's nothing we love more than a bit of friendly competition between us couples.
“Go on…” Red urges.