Page 41 of This December

I jerked back to reality at Aspyn’s statement. Because it definitely wasn’t a question. She knew.

And I did too.

She gave me a soft smile. “Despite recent events and behavior on my end, I am happy for you. He’s an amazing man. And he clearly loves you.” She shrugged. “Not that I get a say, but I think you should do it.”

My small smile slowly spread into a huge grin. “How could I not?”

* * *

The second the door closed behind my family, I jumped on Cole. He caught me with a grunt, wrapping his arms around me.

“How are you not as exhausted as I am?” He groaned as I peppered kisses on his face. “Those kids were insane.”

“You’re an amazing man. I have no idea how I got so freaking lucky, but thank god.”

Cole’s hands clenched on the back of my sweatshirt. “Does that mean you’ve made a decision about us?”

I pulled back but kept my arms wrapped around him. “I, uh, got an interview offer for a marketing position. I saw the email after my family got here.”

“Oh.” Cole took a step back, his arms falling to his sides. I could see what he was assuming from the stoic expression steeling his features.

“But I’m not taking it.” I gave him a tentative smile. “It might be the smart or right decision or whatever, but screw that. I choose you. I choose us. I want to be with you. I want to do my art. I want to be happy for a change. And I know I’m the happiest I’ve ever been when I’m with you.”

“Oh thank Christ.” Cole stepped back to me and wrapped his arms around me as he buried his face in my neck. His voice was muffled by my skin when he spoke, or maybe it was his emotion bogging his words down. “You don’t know how ecstatic that makes me. I was so fucking scared.”

This man. My heart clenched as my arms clung to him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said it that way. I pick you. I choose you. You’re the one I want in my life.”

Cole stood upright and looked down at me, shaking his head. “No, you chose you. Your art. Your happiness. Not what you think people want you to do. You’re choosing you.”

I lifted a shoulder. “To-may-to, to-mah-to. I happen to think that the man coming with my happiness is pretty fucking awesome too.”

“Speaking of coming…” Cole leered down at me.

I rolled my eyes even as a huge grin slipped across my lips. Then I gave a muffled shout and ran for the bedroom.

Cole, of course, chased me.

Breaking News from the Babbler

Cole Jackson Goes Tour Official with New Girlfriend

Ringing in the New Year with Love

Exclusive Details

Starting the new year right!Cole Jacksonheadlined at the Oasis Island Resort Casino’s new Haven Arena for a special New Year’s Eve show. And he wasn’t alone! No, I’m not talking about Vegas resident Kelly Evers, opening for him but don’t miss this story(embedded link)of Evers’ recent baby daddy drama. Jackson debuted his new lady love,December James, as his New Year’s date.

Jackson brought James on stage and serenaded her with a new song he wrote just for her. Videos of the song are burning up social media, leaving fans decidedly mixed.

*embedded video of Cole serenading December*

“They’re so cute! #couplesgoals Love that he’s so happy!”—@MandyAvery

“I can’t believe he’s with her. How is this real? Is it a publicity stunt? Please, baby Jesus, say it’s fake content bait.”—@JacksoniteLovr

I’m so sorry to be the bearer of bad news, JacksoniteLovr, but it looks really real from here.

Unlike his usual shows where Jackson ends with a bow and runs offstage, this time he led a countdown to midnight and rang in the new year with a kiss from his lady love.