“This man ??” she wrote. “How could I not fall for you?”
What’s next for the new couple? We’ll be watching to get you the news first.
Stay tuned…
* * *
Despite packing a bag last night, I needed to go back to my parents’ house and grab a few things since I wasn’t prepared for the sledding session at Cole’s tonight. My snow boots and heavy winter coat were still over there. And I’d already turned down Cole’s offer to get new stuff delivered—twice. The man didn’t want to let me out of his sight.
My man.
Gah, just thinking that got me all fluttery inside.
After talking things through with Cole and Jace, I decided to quit my grocery delivery job. It was too dangerous given our heightened visibility, and I didn’t need the money anymore since Cole had paid off my student loans.
Suddenly being untethered by debt or a career as a driving force had me feeling off kilter. Wobbly.
What the hell was I going to do with my life?
Anyway, I was on my way to my parents’ house in the back of an SUV driven by Cole’s security guard. Cole had been adamant I not drive myself, and I’d folded like an origami crane. It wasn’t fair when he used the eyes on me—all puppy dog melty, worried about my safety. I was a sucker. I know it.
But when he pulled up in front of my parents’ house, I was very glad for Luca’s burly presence. Easily a dozen people loitered on the sidewalk. Some held cameras—both photo and video. I recognized a field reporter for KALI 14 News.
This was surreal.
“I’m going to pull into the driveway,” Luca advised. “Wait for me to open your door. I’ve coordinated with the guys Mr. Jackson stationed here, so it should be a hassle free approach. You might want to pull up your hood though.”
My heart thundered in my ears as Luca pulled up to my parents’ house. A man stood dead center in the driveway, and I worried Luca would run him over, but he must’ve been security detail since he smoothly stepped out of the way. I looked behind us, but couldn’t make out much with so many people suddenly pressed against the SUV’s windows.
“We go slow and easy. I’ll be with you the whole time.” Whatever else Luca might’ve said was lost in the roar of the crowd as he pushed open his door. He slammed it shut, and I had a second of sweet silence, then he opened my door and stood next to me while so many people shouted around us. “You ready?”
I nodded numbly. Luca held my hand as I got out then was at my back as we left the driveway and made our way up the walkway to the front door.
“December! Any comment on your relationship with Cole Jackson?”
“Will you be going on tour with him next year?”
“December! Are you a singer too?”
“How serious is the relationship? Have you met his parents?”
I didn’t pause to knock. And they must’ve been waiting because the door opened when I was still a few steps away. My mom beamed in the doorway and waved like Ms. America.
“December, there you are!”
I rolled my eyes as I stepped inside and sighed in relief when the door closed behind me, dampening the chaotic shouts to a muffled roar. And with Luca on the other side apparently.
After taking off my coat and sunglasses, I gave my mom a hug. “Wow. How long has it been like that?”
“Oh, since early this morning. The security that Cole arranged has kept them away. The sheriff’s been by a few times to keep the peace. I guess one camera guy got into it with security, but otherwise it’s been fine. How’s Cole? We’re really excited to go sledding later. The kids have been talking about it nonstop.”
“Oh, are they here? I didn’t notice anyone’s car out front ‘cause of the circus.”
“Aspyn and Belle came over with their broods. I guess they didn’t feel safe at home without their husbands, even with the security Cole has provided. They’re playing down in the basement if you want to say hi.”
Yeah, the last thing I wanted was to talk to Aspyn. I gave my mom a weak smile. “Nah, I just need to pop into my room and grab a few things. I’ll see everyone in a few anyways.”