Page 27 of This December

Yesterday Jackson and James were photographed and videoed singing Christmas carols in a Tahoe community with what appears to be James’ family.

*embedded photos and video of caroling*

As seen in the photos and video above, Jackson is very interested in keeping warm with James. Many times, Jackson is seen cuddling her and rubbing her hands as he beams down at her.

Has Cole Jackson met his Christmas angel? Is he officially off the market?

No word yet on when, how, or where they met. We’ve reached out to Jackson for comment.

Stay tuned…

Chapter 9

The next day, I woke up to insanity. My phone rattled across the nightstand where it’d been charging. The sound of the vibrations had pulled me awake a few times since early this morning, I guess this would be the last. I had to get up eventually. So I finally slapped it off the nightstand and looked at the screen.

236 texts messages. 37 missed phone calls. 584 social media alerts.

Something told me my identity had been revealed.

I knew I shouldn’t, but morbid curiosity had me opening an app to see what they were saying about me. My follower number was now approaching 200,000. But the comments on my last selfie of me and Belle at the Handcraft Holiday Faire a month ago had my breath stuttering in my chest.

Cole4Xmas:You don’t deserve him. Your a ugly bitch *devil emoji*

ColesofFire:God, why her? Why not me! I’m single Cole! I love you!

Jacksonite4Eva:He won’t be with you long! Your too ugly for our Cole *middle finger emoji*

None of them were nice. I was too ugly. Too poor. Too blonde. Not blonde enough. Too fat. Too skinny. Nothing pleased any of these women.

With trembling fingers, I turned comments off for my pages. I debated whether I should make my profile private, but I didn’t have anything to hide. Everyone had already seen my unhealthy addiction to coffee and my love of all things da Vinci. To block people from seeing my page and who I really was felt like running away. And I was done doing that.

I didn’t have anything to be ashamed of.

I kept telling myself that as I pulled on some comfy flannel bottoms and Cole’s t-shirt then stumbled down the hallway to the kitchen, following the cartoon like scent of coffee. Cole had an amazing espresso machine that I worshipped at every morning.

Only this morning, Cole wasn’t in the kitchen.

A strange man sat at the island in a bespoke suit of all things, tapping away at his phone’s screen.

“Uh, hello?”

His head jerked up, and he stoically stared at me, taking in my flannel pants before his eyeline froze on my chest. Suddenly very aware of my braless state, I took a step back and crossed my arms over my chest.

“Who are you? Where’s Cole?”

His eyes jerked up to my face, and he jumped off his barstool, approaching me with a hand out. “I’m Jace Henson, Cole’s manager and best friend. He’s messing with the router in his office since I couldn’t get any signal out here in the boonies.”

I shook his hand as my nerves fell away. I’d heard Cole talk about Jace a few times. “Right. Well, welcome to Tahoe where cell phones only work if you can see a tower or a resort, so good luck with that.”

Jace kept shaking my hand for an awkward amount of time. And staring at me like I was in a sideshow at the circus. Did I have something on my face?

I pulled my hand away and all but ran to the espresso machine in the kitchen. “Do you need a top up?”

“No, I don’t drink coffee.”

I turned around and stared at him in horror. “Say what now? How do you function?”

Jace shrugged. “Adrenaline and cocaine, mostly.”