Is He Involved in Some von Trapp Type Situation?
Exclusive Details
Some sharp-eyed residents in Lake Tahoe, California spotted an interesting sight tonight.Cole Jacksonhas apparently joined a blond family to sing carols in a neighborhood in the Tahoe area. Peep the video below.
*embedded video*
As seen in the video, Jackson stays in the back and tries to use his hat and scarf to conceal his identity. Although he also seems to be very interested in keeping warm with the blonde on his left. Many times throughout videos posted on social media, Jackson is seen cuddling with the mystery blonde and rubbing her hands and arms to keep warm.
Apparently Santa brought the notorious bachelor a blonde for Christmas!
But who is she? And how long has Jackson been seeing her? We’re digging for details.
Stay tuned…
Chapter 7
I don’t think I’d ever enjoyed caroling as much as I did last night. That look on my mom’s face when Cole’s mellow tenor joined our chaotic enthusiasm. I still couldn’t believe Cole and Olly had gotten away with their plan. But then again, I guess I’d underestimated Cole’s charm. The smile on his face had everyone else joining in with the alternative lyrics—even my mom.
Although Chrissy suggesting we sing ‘A Very Merry X-Mas’ was a little much. Cole’s song was not appropriate for the kiddos to sing. But it was a bit of a knife turn for Aspyn. She’d looked like she was sucking on a lemon all night.
And I was petty enough to enjoy it.
So I might’ve been humming ‘Jingle Bells’as I walked up to Cole’s front door. I didn’t need to knock though. Cole had given me the code to the door a few days back.
But no delicious scents greeted me. And neither did Cole. I followed the muffled sound of a conversation.
“…bury it. I don’t care what you have to do.” Cole paced back and forth in the great room. He stopped and raked a hand through his hair. “No. No, I’m not doing that. I don’t—gah, just keep them off me for another week. That’s not too much to ask, is it? One more week without this insanity?”
I shifted my weight, and the movement had Cole’s eyes shooting my way.
He stared intently into my eyes, still holding his cell up to his ear. “I don’t care what you have to do, Jase. Just get it done. I’m still on vacation here.”
Cole ended the call without saying goodbye, shoved his phone in his back pocket, and crossed the room to wrap his arms around me. “Are you okay? You didn’t return any of my texts.”
“I can’t text and drive.” I laughed as I cuddled into his warmth. “And my car’s so old, I don’t have any hands-free tech. Why didn’t you call?”
He sighed and squeezed me tight. “I didn’t want to distract you.”
That made no sense. He texted but thought a call would distract me? I took a step back and gave him a searching look. “What’s going on? Why are you all agitated? What’s put that look on your face?”
He stared at me for a second and a muscle flexed in his jaw. Finally he sighed and said, “I guess this means you haven’t seen the headlines today?”
I lifted a shoulder. “Unrest in the Middle East? Political bullshit? I haven’t exactly stayed up with the latest news since I lost my job. It’s usually all depressing shit anyway. Why? What happened?”
“Apparently my disguise didn’t work. Someone snapped some pictures of us caroling last night and posted them on socials.The Babblerpicked them up, and this evening even a few network news stations ran them. I…pictures of your family are all over the news. They blurred out the littles’ faces, but you, your sisters, their spouses, your parents are all out there. And it’s only a matter of time before your name is everywhere too. I just…I’m so sorry, December.”
I blinked. This was so…
I blinked again.
“I’ve got my manager on it,” he went on agitatedly. “But we can’t get the pictures or video down. It’s gone too far outside our reach. He wanted me to pack up and come home, but I don’t wanna. I want to be here—with you. I’ve arranged for security protection for your parents and your sisters. Hopefully that helps some and will keep the media and paps away.”
When I still didn’t say anything, he babbled on.
“This place is fairly secure. No one even knows I own it. But security will be here in a few. They’re just going to park out front. Make sure no one harasses us.” He blew out a breath. “You’re not saying anything. What are you thinking? Are you regretting even meeting me? I’m so sorry, sugar. I never thought—”
I stopped his verbal flagellation with a finger on his lips. “I thought you didn’t believe in regrets.”