Page 18 of This December

“Eh, I don’t think that’s required, right? I’m just Cole. Or ‘hey you’ if you prefer.”

Olly nodded furiously while still shaking Cole’s hand.

Cole grinned down at Olly. “You mind if I take that back now?”

A look of horror crossed Olly’s face, and he quickly dropped Cole’s hand.

Cole smiled. “No worries, Olly. Hey, you want to go ask your parents if you can ride with us tonight? I’d love to have you as my caroling buddy.”

Cole didn’t need to ask twice. Olly was off and running to find his parents.

I was kinda hoping he’d ask Aspyn. I’d love to see that. Turning to Cole, I raised my eyebrows. “Olly’s your caroling buddy now? What about me?”

“Hey, no one said I couldn’t have two caroling buddies.” Cole stepped back to me and wrapped his arms around me.

I couldn’t help but melt into him. He was a magnetic son of a bitch after all. “I have a feeling after tonight, everyone’s gonna want to be your caroling buddy.”

“Aw, but you’ll always be my number one caroling buddy, sugarplum.” He bent forward and gave me a quick peck on the tip of my nose.

Which I then wrinkled at him. “You’re too charming for your own good.”

Before he could come at me with another equally charming retort, I heard a flurry of movement crunching down the snow next to the driveway toward us. “Look alive, caroling buddy. Here comes the insanity. And remember you asked for this.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? What’s going to—”

“Is this him?” my mom demanded as she marched down the snowy walk toward us. “This is the guy you’ve been seeing?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, Mom. Could you at least pretend you have manners? Please?”

“Phbbt.” Mom blew a raspberry at me then turned to survey Cole. She tilted her head as she took him in and her eyes danced over his arms still wrapped around me. Then she smiled. “Oh, he’ll do.”

“You don’t even know his name, Mom,” I protested.

“Don’t need it. I like the sparkle he put in your eyes.” Before I could come up with a retort to that, she held her hand out to Cole. “Rebecca James. Nice to meet you.”

Cole shook her hand. “Hi, I’m Cole. Thanks so much for inviting me tonight. I love caroling.”

Mom stepped back and smiled at Cole. “Well, as long as you know that we don’t take ourselves too seriously. Tonight’s all about fun, not musical ability. Just try to keep up.”

Cole laughed as he nodded. “Will do.”

“Great. Welcome. I think we’re getting ready to load up. Do you want to drive or you two can ride with us if you’d like?”

My eyes widened in horror at the thought of that inquisition, but before I could weasel out, Cole spoke up.

“I kinda already invited Olly to ride with us, if it’s okay with his parents.”

I didn’t think it was possible, but Mom’s smile grew wider.

“Oh, that’s what he was babbling to Matt.” Mom looked over her shoulder to where Olly was gesturing wildly to his dad. “I couldn’t make out what he was saying.”

I deflated slightly that he hadn’t asked his mom, but then I understood the move. Matt was a softie compared to his mom. I would’ve done the same. Respect.

“All right, everyone!” Mom shouted next to us on the sidewalk. “Load up! Drivers, we’ll all meet up at the first parking location. Let’s go, go, go!”

Then it was a flurry of motion as children and adults ran for the collection of cars parked in the driveway and on the side of the road.

Mom ran off to coordinate the insanity, and I turned to Cole who watched it all go down while looking a little shellshocked.