The last thing I remembered was laying in front of the fire with that throw blanket on me, but now I was bundled up in his huge, soft bed.
“Mmmm, this is nice,” he murmured behind me. “You’re so cuddly in the morning.”
I laughed softly. “Pretty sure that’s you,” I murmured back. “You’re the one pressing your morning wood up on my ass.”
“Can you blame me? I didn’t get off last night.”
I snorted. “And whose fault was that? I was all but begging you to do me, but nooooo. You had to eat me out first, and then you got distracted by your muse, and I never saw you again.”
“Sorry about that. Maybe I can make it up to you?” His hand moved north and cupped my breast as he pressed his hard cock against my ass.
“Hey, I’m not complaining. I got mine. You were the one missing out.”
“My mouth is nothing compared to my dick. You’re the one missing out, sugarplum.”
“Promises, promises,” I murmured with a smile.
“Fuck promises. Let’s make it a reality.” His hand slid down my torso between my legs. In seconds, I was wet and aching again.
I groaned. “I swear to god if you run off to write something down again, I will end you.”
He rolled me onto my back and gave me a smug smirk as he loomed over me. “The only thing I’m running away to do is grab a condom. They’re still in front of the fireplace. Be right back.”
I laughed as he vaulted off the bed, but he was back in seconds, fumbling with the package then rolling a condom down his impressive length, and all my laughter fell away.
Then I held my breath as he crawled across the bed with an intent expression on his face. Having all of him focused on me like that was heady and honestly kinda intimidating. I mean he was him, and I was just a girl who delivered groceries. What the hell was I doing?
He settled between my thighs before I could get my head straight. A frown wrinkled his forehead as he stared down at me. He leaned down and pressed a kiss against my temple. “You all right, baby?”
I nodded tightly despite my body language screaming my discomfort.
He cocked his head and frowned. “Somehow I don’t believe you. Are you not into it anymore? Want to take a shower or brush your teeth first? Eat something? What’s going on in that head of yours?”
My face heated with my blush, and I had to close my eyes. I couldn’t look at him, especially when he was being so sweet. “I’m into it. Into you. I’m just all—” I waved a hand over my face. “Inside my head about life and everything.”
“Well let’s see if we can find something to distract you from…everything.” He braced himself above me with a wicked smile, his legs pressing mine open even further.
He sat back on his heels between my thighs and bent forward to caress my sex, stroking me with a gentle touch. His thumb and fingertips were so teasing and sure. My sex fluttered around nothing, aching to have him inside me. I groaned in frustration. After a few long teasing moments, I wiggled my hips, and he grinned in triumph.
“You with me now, baby?”
I nodded furiously. “Yes, please. Get inside me now. Thank you very much.”
That smug smirk was so fucking sexy. I couldn’t look away from it as he braced one hand next to me and slowly pressed into me. His huge cock stretched inside me in a way I’d never felt before. He was so big and thick and…wow.
He bent forward and took my lips in a crushing kiss. Distracting me from his very large dick pressing inside me. His tongue slid between my lips and twirled against my tongue, leading me in a thrust and parry that had my sex clutching convulsively around him.
Cole groaned and broke our kiss. “Christ, baby.” He rocked up and started driving his cock into me again and again. “You’re so tight. So wet. Fuck, yeah. Taking my dick so good.”
Oh god. He looked likethatand talked dirty too? Cole was the entire package. I was so turned on. But all I could do was hold on and moan my way to my orgasm.
“Oh yeah, baby.” His voice was all gravelly and rough. “Wrap your legs around me. Just like that. Fuck. Yeah.”
Then his hand reached down and flicked my aching clit and hovered at the peak. After a few more flicks, I broke. My orgasm slammed through me, shaking my body with wave after wave of pleasure. I dimly heard Cole shout something above me, but I was too far gone to track it.
All I knew was a few seconds later, he collapsed onto me, pressing me into the feather soft mattress with his weight. I wrapped my arms around him and I nuzzled his bristly neck as I melted into the soft bed.