Page 148 of Us Deadly Few

She smoothed the wrinkles in her uniform, tucked the stray hairs behind her ears, and cracked her neck from side to side, trying to ignore Takeshi’s dangerously tempting words that whispered in her ear, like a mini-villain perched on her shoulder.

She felt the heat coming off him as he followed close behind. If it were up to Khalani, she’d grab him by the arm, walk right back into the cell, and finish what they started last night, uncaring of the consequences.

One more day and she’d be able to.

They took their place in line, and the seconds felt like hours as the guards scrutinized the prisoners. She tapped the side of her leg incessantly, eyes darting around.

When the alarm rang, her body stiffened.

Dr. Strauss quickly entered the vicinity, and everyone dropped to their knees, keeping their eyes fixated on the ground.

“How are you all doing today?” Dr. Strauss asked, abnormally cheerful.

No one dared to respond as he walked through the long lines of prisoners, checking his clipboard.

The faster this would go. The faster they would get home.


Where her family was. Winnie. Serene. Derek. Adan.

She glanced over at Takeshi, her heart expanding, piercing through the dark environment around her.

Dr. Strauss’ boots came closer, and she pulled her wandering gaze back to the ground, waiting for him to choose the next unfortunate prisoner to be taken away to the unknown.

“Interesting,” he muttered just behind her shoulder. She flinched, feeling the heat of his stare burn into the back of her neck.

Keep walking. Keep walking.

“Let’s go with you today.”

Khalani didn’t know who he was addressing. She lifted her head to find other prisoners peeking at her, their eyes alight with fear, pity, and a glimmer of relief.

Suddenly, two guards were at her side, lifting her aggressively under her armpits. She screamed, kicking and fighting back with everything she had, but they merely lifted her off the ground like a toy.


A bellowing roar erupted behind her.

It sounded like punches were being thrown, and a few guards yelled, fear coating their voices before the buzzing of shock cuffs activated.

Takeshi’s voice continued ringing out in agony and fury. She tried to turn her head, but the Dealers forcefully dragged her away, with Dr. Strauss’ footsteps following closely behind.

Panic surged through her chest as they crossed the cavern toward the black building. Sliding glass doors she never noticed before opened, and she was pulled inside the dark structure.

She struggled relentlessly against her captors as they dragged her further into what appeared to be a…reception area.

A young woman in a white pantsuit sat behind a large marble desk. Her blonde hair was pulled tight into a high bun, and her narrow gaze fell on Khalani, lips pursing in disgust.

But when Dr. Strauss entered, she stood immediately, a wide smile plastered on her face.

“Good morning, Dr. Strauss.”

“Good morning, Rebecca. It’s going to be a good day today. I can feel it.” Dr. Strauss walked past her without a glance.

Rebecca flushed, watching him leave and adjusting her outfit. Once he left, she sat, quietly beaming to herself. Khalani nearly gagged as the guards followed Dr. Strauss, carrying her through double doors.

Her eyes widened as they entered a lab.