“Here,” the Dealer grunted, unceremoniously shoving her toward Elise, who caught her with a huff. “Both of you get to your cells,” he snapped, uncaring of her physical state.
Elise immediately wrapped an arm around Khalani’s waist, helping her shuffle awkwardly toward the barracks. Khalani groaned as her eyelids didn’t want to stay open.
She was reduced to motor function, only able to focus on placing one foot in front of the other.
“What happened to you?” Elise grunted.
“Took shower…broke in…punched…Takeshi saved…” Her words came out slow and garbled.
Elise made an angry noise when she got a better look at the nasty cut on Khalani’s lip and began to piece the story together.
Her brain felt like the bowl of soup they’d eaten every day.
One moment, they were walking through the barracks hall, and the next, she slid down the white walls of her barren cell. Elise helped ease her head down, her face chalky pale as she stared at Khalani.
“Into your cells!” one of the guards yelled, and Elise hesitated.
“Isss okay. Not want you…in trouble,” Khalani whispered, embracing the cool tile on her cheeks.
Elise frowned, but Khalani’s eyes started to drift closed as she heard footsteps exiting her cell. She fought to keep her head up, but her entire body felt like someone was pressing down on her.
She needed to stay awake. She needed to wait for Takeshi.
To see if he was okay.
Without concern for his own safety, Takeshi had leaped to her defense, meting out justice the only way he knew. The least she could do was remain conscious when they brought him back to say…thank you.
She just needed to stay…
Her eyelids fluttered.
Before blissful unconsciousness stole her away, Khalani was gathered into strong arms and held close.
Like she was the most important being in the universe.
I often wonder if the world changed me,
or if that decision was my own.
Khalani jolted awake when the shrill screech of the alarm sliced through the white walls of her cell, shattering the only peaceful sleep she’d had in weeks. But her eyes remained stubbornly closed, preferring a life in slumber versus the awaiting anarchy.
“It’s okay, Kanes. I’ve got you.”
That resonant, deep voice penetrated her senses, and her eyes flew open. She was sprawled over Takeshi, lying on his chest. One of his hands rested on her lower back, while the other cupped the back of her head. His long fingers were gently entwined in her hair as he held her steady.
The blaring alarm faded into the background.
The throbbing pain in her head receded.
Takeshi studied her intently, an unfamiliar emotion sweeping through his dark gaze—concern, perhaps, or something deeper, drawing her in like a burning fire.
Something so captivating shouldn’t exist in a world that was colored in pain.