Still attempting to gasp air into her lungs, she collapsed to her knees. Lucas pulled her up.

Burnett suddenly appeared at their side.

"He came back for her," Lucas said.

"We need to get her away," Burnett said, and reached out and took her in his arms. "The FRU are following them."

"I'm going with them," Lucas said.

"No," Kylie said, forcing the words out of her bruised throat. But she wasn't in the room anymore. The wind hit her face so fast she couldn't breathe. Burnett readjusted her, and buried her face against his chest, a chest that wasn't near as warm or comforting as the one she'd just been sleeping against.

When he came to a stop outside a single-story building, Kylie raised her head. "Where are we?" She touched her neck.

"A clinic," he said, and moved her hand to check her neck.

"I'm fine. Put me down."

"Not yet. You might be fine, but Holiday would have my ass if I didn't have a doctor check you out."

She remembered Lucas. "You should have stopped Lucas from going after the rogues..."

"Couldn't have stopped him," he said. "Werewolves are too damn stubborn. But Lucas can take care of himself."

"He got captured," she said.

"Only to get inside to you," he said.

The realization made her gut clench. "He could have been killed."

"He wasn't." The lights came on in the building and Burnett moved in.

Kylie read the sign on the door as he carried her inside: PROTECT YOUR PETS AGAINST HEARTWORMS. "Wait. You're taking me to a vet?"

Kylie looked around the small office with pet pictures posted on the walls and noticed the smell of animals.

"A vet and supernatural doctor," he said.

A man walked out of the door from the back. "In here," he said.

Burnett introduced her to Dr. Whitman as he carried her though the door. A big orange cat followed them into the back. When Burnett placed her on an examining table, the cat jumped up beside her. "I'm fine," she told Burnett and Dr. Whitman.

"Her shoulder," Burnett said. "And her neck."

When the doctor reached for Kylie's shoulder, she flinched. "I'm just bruised." She looked back at Burnett. "I've got to get back to my mom's. She's probably already at the police station."

Burnett picked up the phone and walked to the other side of the room. Dr. Whitman moved Kylie's shoulder and studied her. Kylie flinched a bit, but she knew it wasn't broken. His eyebrows twitched as he looked at her forehead. "What are you?"

"Beats me," she said, and looked at his brain pattern. He was part fairy. The cat walked across Kylie to rub against the doc's side. She suspected he could communicate with animals the way Derek did, too. The thought of Derek had her heart remembering how much she missed him, but she pushed it away.

"Well, the girl's right. Her shoulder isn't broken," Dr. Whitman said as Burnett moved back over.

"Told you so," Kylie couldn't resist saying. "Now, would you please drop me off at my mom's house?"

"Thank you," Burnett said to Dr. Whitman, and motioned for him to leave the room. Once they were alone, Burnett turned back to Kylie.

"I'm going to get you home. But first I need to know what happened tonight."

Kylie told him everything she remembered from the time the rogue had landed on her car, to right before Burnett burst through the concrete walls. She informed him that the rogue who'd killed the girls in Fallen was the grandson of one of the Vampire Council members. As well as the fact that it had been the vamps who'd been watching the campgrounds off and on all summer. Most of what Kylie had to say turned the vampire's eyes bright with fury.

"So, what's the deal with him wanting me to marry his grandson?" she asked when she was done.

Burnett shrugged. "In the past, our grandparents chose our mates."

"Even if the mate wasn't willing?"

"Afraid so." Burnett's expression filled with remorse. "You were right, Kylie. This was about you. I should have listened. I won't make that mistake again."

She nodded, sensing how hard it was for him to admit he'd made a mistake. "The old man, he's weird. His brain pattern says he's a vampire, but he's more than that."

"I know the man you are talking about. I've met him during my visits with the Council. He's vampire, but you're right, he's strange."

"He's more than vampire," Kylie said. "He put the wall back together after I broke it down."

"Maybe he had help from someone with other powers."

"I think it's more," she said.

"Maybe," he said, but Kylie could tell he didn't agree. "Okay, I'll get you home. And I'll have someone watching your house so you'll be safe."

He picked Kylie back up. "Hold on." She knew this time to bury her head against his chest.

In seconds, Burnett set her down in front of her house. "What do I tell her?" she asked.

"Don't know. I've never been good dealing with parents," he said. "But be creative."

"You're not a lot of help." She bit down on her lip. "Oh, crap, my car."

"We found it when we were looking for you. Someone will get the window replaced and have it back here before daybreak."


He nodded. "I'm glad you're okay, Kylie. We'll go over everything again tomorrow evening when you come back to the camp. And call Holiday the first chance you get. She won't sleep until she talks to you." Kylie reached up and hugged him. He looked unprepared for the show of affection. "Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome," he answered, obviously uncomfortable with the conversation as much as the hug.

She looked around at the darkness. The silence didn't even scare her because she knew Burnett was the one who caused it.

"I've got two men watching the house," he said as if he'd misread her expression.

"I believe you." She watched him leave. Then she went to the door.

When she realized she didn't have her keys, she found the spare her mom kept inside the fake dog poop behind the azalea bushes.

She barely got the door open when her mom flew at her and wrapped her arms around her.

"Oh, God. I was just about to call the police. Where have you been, young lady?"

Her mom's hug squeezed her shoulder and made it hard to breathe. Pulling back and trying to mask the pain in her voice, Kylie said, "I forgot to call. And then ... I was so upset over Sara that I just needed to think."