"I did say that," Holiday admitted. "But I also said I've never seen a case like yours."

"I'm just a freak."

"No. You are unique."

"I don't want to be unique." Kylie sighed. "Do fairies ever have sensitive hearing?" She looked at Holiday.

A smile whispered across Holiday's lips. "Not commonly." She continued to study Kylie as if reading her disappointment. "You want to be fairy?"

"Yeah. I mean, if I have a choice, I'd go with that or a witch. Something that doesn't ... you know ... change me or my body temperature."

Kylie thought of Della and how she'd feel if she knew Kylie felt this way.

"Am I terrible for wanting that?" Kylie asked. "I love Della and I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I just ... I'd rather be witch or fairy. I mean, most of the gifts they get are not so complicated, not so hard to live with."

Holiday chuckled. "Are you forgetting about the ghosts? That's mainly seen in fairies or elves. And believe me, most supernaturals would die before wanting to deal with spirits."

"True." Kylie blinked. "I did sort of forget about that. And yeah, it's a royal pain in the ass. At first, it terrified me, but now that I've had some time to deal with it..." She paused and remembered the ghost's little visit this morning and the nightmare from the other morning. "Okay, it sometimes still terrifies me and frustrates me. But at least now I'm almost used to it."

Holiday leaned her elbows on her desk. "Whatever you are, whatever gifts you end up getting, you'll find that time will make those changes less scary as well. Whatever happens on Monday, I know-"

"Monday? Because it's a full moon. You think I'm werewolf now?"

Holiday held up her hand. "I don't know. I do know that you are an amazing young lady and no matter how things end up, you're going to be okay."

Kylie leaned her head back in the chair, stared at Holiday, and moaned. "I hate this. I really, really hate this." Then she remembered the reason she'd come here this morning. She sat up again and took a deep breath.

Then she nipped at her bottom lip, trying to remember how she'd planned to ask about it. Hadn't she come up with a less embarrassing way to approach the dreams? "One more thing..."

Holiday sat there, patiently waiting.

"Dreams...?" Kylie only got out the one word.

"What about them?" Her expression grew concerned. "Has the ghost been giving you more dreams?"


"Night terrors?" Holiday asked.

"No." Oddly enough, Kylie hadn't had one of those in a long time. That is, if you didn't call the vision dreams with the ghost night terrors. "Are you sleepwalking again?" Holiday asked.

Okay, it was going to get weirder if she didn't start talking. "I've been having strange dreams. I know I'm dreaming in the dream. And in the dream the people I'm dreaming about know it's a dream, too. I almost feel as if ... as if he's breaking into my dreams."

"He?" Holiday asked.

"Lucas." Kylie felt her face flush. "Is it possible for someone, for Lucas, to actually come into my dreams? To actually ... visit me? It feels so real.

And I ... if it is real, I want him to stop doing it. I mean, in both letters he mentioned dreams. And if it's real, he needs to stop it."

Holiday's eyes widened, but she didn't say anything.

"What is it?" Kylie asked.

"I..." Holiday stumbled as if trying to decide what to say.

"Don't lie to me, or keep something from me, even if you're just guessing.

Just tell me what you think is the truth." She reached across the desk and placed her hand on top of Holiday's. "Please."

Holiday's brow creased in concern. "Okay, but you probably aren't going to like this."

Oh, great. That was not what she wanted to hear.

Chapter Twenty

"He's really doing it, isn't he? He's breaking into my dreams." Kylie's heart filled with resentment.

Holiday slowly shook her head. "I don't think ... I mean. I'm only guessing, but it's probably not him."

"Oh, it's him. I saw him." She put her hand in front of her face about an inch away from her nose. "He was this close to me." And closer. She recalled how he'd kissed her.

"No, I didn't mean it wasn't him in the dream. I mean, it's not him coming into your dreams."

Kylie tried to wrap her head around what Holiday was saying to her. Holiday continued. "What you're talking about is what we call dreamscaping, and I've never heard of a werewolf with this gift."

"Well, you've heard of one now." Kylie felt herself getting angrier, remembering the dream with them swimming. "And the thing he's doing ... he shouldn't be doing."

Holiday held up her hand. "However, it is a very common gift with those of us who share the gift of ghost whispering."

Kylie sat there, staring at Holiday, not wanting to believe the camp leader. "Are you saying that ... I'm ... I'm doing this?"

Okay, Kylie had put her foot in her mouth before, but she'd never had it in there so deep she felt her toes wiggling against her tonsils.

Holiday leaned in, her expression almost one of apology. "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying, Kylie."

Kylie nearly choked on a big breath of air. "So the person I'm dreaming about, do they ... I mean, can they remember the dreams?" Her heart stopped as she recalled the first dream, the one of them swimming, the one where she'd practically flashed the girls at him.

Okay, so she'd totally flashed the girls at him.

"Some do," Holiday said. "Some don't."

Thank you, Jeeessus! She was definitely going with the "some don't." Holiday continued, "However, supernaturals would remember."

Okay, I take back that thank-you.

Kylie really wanted to die now. Then she recalled Lucas saying, You're the one in the driver's seat.

"So ... whatever happens in these dreams ... Am I, like, in charge of it? Am I responsible for what happens in the dream?"

From Holiday's expression, she must have just realized what kinds of things Kylie was eluding to. "Our emotions often guide our dreamscapes just as they do our dreams."

"Our?" Kylie asked. "Do you ... do this, too?" Hey, misery loved company.

Holiday held out her right hand, her thumb and index finger pinched close together. "I'm slightly gifted in this area, but yes, I've experienced it some." She waited a few seconds before continuing. "Ultimately, you are the one in control-if you are in control of your emotions."