"A camp." Kylie put a bit of extra nice into her voice, hoping to ward off any trouble.

"Which one?" the tall blonde standing behind Amber asked, and she cut Della a cold look.

Nope, this wasn't going to end well.

"Shadow Falls," Della answered with attitude, and her dark eyes grew a little golden. Kylie just hoped the girls didn't notice "Boners," the blonde whispered to Amber.

"What did you say?" asked Della, her shoulders coming back as she took a defensive step forward.

Blondie grinned. "The camp used to be named Bone Creek Camp. So they call you guys ... boners. It's not personal."

"It feels personal," Della growled.

Both Amber and Blondie took a step back.

Kylie saw Miranda stick out her little pinky as if ready to cast a spell. Kylie shot her a warning glance, but it wasn't Miranda who Kylie worried about.

"Nice to meet you," Kylie told the girls, and latched a hand on Della's elbow, hoping the touch would help her see reason. She couldn't go vampire badass on these girls. She couldn't even threaten to kill them without stirring up a whole big pot of trouble.

"'Bye," Kylie added, and motioned for them to leave with her free hand.

Amber shot Della another calculating look. From the spark of fear in her eyes, Kylie figured the girl wasn't all that stupid. She turned around, nudged her blond friend, and the two went their own way.

"You better tuck your tails and run," Della muttered, pulling away from Kylie.

"I could have given them the worse case of pimples you've ever seen," Miranda snapped.

"Oh, I could have done much worse," Della snarled.

"But you didn't." Kylie latched a hand around each girl's arm, just in case they changed their minds. "You both showed an amazing amount of restraint. I'm very proud of you."

Della shot Kylie a huge frown. "Don't you ever just lose it? I mean, don't you ever just wanna rip somebody's heart out and beat them over the head with it?"

"I get mad, yes," Kylie said, and grinned. "Don't know if I've ever wanted to bludgeon someone to death with their own heart, but I have my moments."

"Yeah, what do you do when you're really pissed? Frown at someone?" Della chuckled.

"Yeah," Miranda piped in. "But have you seen her frown? It's very effective."

They all laughed.

An hour later, after shoe shopping and trying on a few more pairs of jeans, they moved to the lingerie section. Because she'd already spent close to a hundred dollars, Kylie headed to the clearance rack. They all dropped their packages and browsed through the array of underwear.

"Do either of you wear thongs?" Miranda held up a red stringy pair of panties.

"Not me," Kylie said. "I like regular bikini."

"Personally for me, wearing a thong is like flossing your ass," Della said, and all three of them burst out laughing.

After the giggles subsided, they went back to checking out bras. A store attendant walked up. "Would you like me to measure you to make sure what size you are?" she asked Kylie.

Kylie looked up at the store clerk and back at the four bras she held in her hands. "Uhh, no ... thank you. I think I can figure it out."

"Okay, but it's very important you get the right size."

Kylie nodded. "I will."

"It will only take a minute," the attendant said, a tad more insistent that time.

"I know ... but I'm fine. Thank you," Kylie added.

The woman's expression said Kylie was making a mistake, but she walked off.

"Ugg, no way would I let a stranger handle my girls," Miranda whispered. "These are virgin girls." She giggled.

"I think the ol' biddy just wanted to see your boobs." Della growled at the clerk's back.

Kylie elbowed Della and tried not to snicker. "She was just doing her job."

"Duh, she was like eyeing your boobs like they were candy, and I'm standing here holding a bra and she didn't even ask to measure me!" "I think there might be a reason for that." Miranda snickered again. "Bitch!" Della said it with a smile.

Relief swept through Kylie when she saw Della's smile. The last thing Kylie wanted now was for Miranda and Della to start smacking each other around verbally.

Della cupped her A-cup boobs. "At least these puppies aren't virgin. And believe me, Lee didn't complain."

Miranda laughed. "I'm surprised you didn't tell me that I didn't have an ass."

"I'm saving that insult for next time," Della said.

"I'm going to try on these." Kylie studied the bras she held. "Can you hold these?" Kylie handed Miranda her bags containing two pairs of jeans and two pairs of shoes.

"Here, try this one on, too." Della held a bra out.

"I don't like black bras," Kylie said.

"Yeah, but I'll bet Derek does." She grinned and wiggled her brows. Kylie rolled her eyes. But she snatched the bra from Della and headed off to the dressing room. Behind her, she heard Della and Miranda laughing.

Trying on bras reminded Kylie of the Goldilocks fairy tale. One felt a bit too big. One was a bit too lacy, and one, the black one, was a bit too ...sexy.

Now to decide which ones to take home. Kylie glanced down at the pile of bras and had just slipped the strap of her old bra up onto her shoulder, when she heard:

"I like the black one best."

The deep male voice that came from behind her had her heart leaping into her throat. Her eyes shot to the mirror.

Before she saw his face, she saw the blood.

He stood right behind her. Big splotches of red color stained his shirt. Even his auburn-colored hair was soaked in it.

His eyes flashed a vivid red color. He shot her an evil smile and his elongated canines showed at the edges of his mouth. Recognition hit-Blood Brothers.

Chapter Sixteen

Kylie opened her mouth to scream, but neither air nor words came out.

Panic gripped her throat and blocked off all oxygen and verbal communication.

She swung around, not certain if it was to fight or to run.

He wasn't there. Her gaze shot back to the mirror as if only his reflection had been real. He wasn't there, either.

Her gaze shot to the open door to the dressing room. It had been closed. He'd really been here.

She slammed the door. Sucked a bit of oxygen into her lungs. Tried to scream again, but stopped when the dressing room door swung open and whacked against the wall.

Every muscle in her body clenched. Fight. The one-word command echoed inside her. Then Della appeared behind the door that now hung half off the hinges.